Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

The Finanser’s Week: 18th June – 24th June 2012

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Our biggest stories of the past week are ...

Is it just me, or is everything just ...

I’m having one of those days. It started off OK, and then it just went downhill. So I was going to blog about various market opportunities and ideas in banking and then thought: sod it, time for a whinge. The...

Innovating on a sinking ship

I’ve already given some reflections on last week’s innotribe meeting in my write ups of Metro Bank and Fidor Bank. Now, for a more general write-up, I’ve taken the inputs of Kosta Peric, the SWIFT innovation group leader who runs...

The latest Aussie bank marketing campaigns, honest!

I spent a bit of time reviewing ads for Australia’s banks today. Not because I’m going down under – not that way! – but because National Australia Bank (NAB) keep sending me updates on their marketing efforts. Their latest one...

Does this house believe the City is full of greed and corruption?

A short while ago, I mentioned that the Financial Services Club were to debate: This house believes that The City is full of greed and corruption. We had the debate last week, and it was excellent with Ian Fraser and...

Anyone for cricket?

I've worked around the City most of my adult life, but still get a surprise when you find something new there.  Yesterday was one of those days, when I discovered that there is a full size cricket pitch in the middle of the City.



The major general news stories of the past week include ... 

Downgrade for UK banks raises fears of credit crunch - The Independent

Some of the world's biggest banks – including Barclays, HSBC and Royal Bank of Scotland – had their credit ratings downgraded last night as a result of the eurozone crisis.

Prepare for Lehmans re-run, Bank official warns - The Telegraph

Banks and traders must prepare for a devastating market seizure as governments grapple with the escalating economic crisis in Europe, a Bank of England policymaker has warned.

Ex-banker admits taking F1 bribes - BBC

Former banker Gerhard Gribkowsky admits taking $44m in bribes from Formula 1 president Bernie Ecclestone, a German court hears.

Morgan Stanley looks to settle with nuns - The Telegraph

A legal row between two groups of nuns and investment bank Morgan Stanley could be settled out of court.

Bankers' pay expectations are 'wildly out of line' - IMA - The Telegraph

Bankers' pay expectations remain "wildly out of line" with other sectors, shareholder groups told the Treasury Select Committee.

US politicians attack 'London loophole' as JP Morgan boss explains $2bn loss - The Telegraph

Jamie Dimon, chief executive of JP Morgan, defended the bank's decision to locate in Britain large parts of the business that made a shock $2bn (£1.3bn) as US politicians attacked its exploitation of the "London loophole".

LSE chief says regulation 'killing the equity markets' - The Telegraph

New regulations are "killing" the equity market, according to Xavier Rolet, chief executive of the London Stock Exchange.

Moody's downgrades 10 eurozone banks - The Telegraph

Ten banks in France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg have been downgraded as Moody's continues to cut the credit ratings of major lenders amid fears over the worsening crisis in the eurozone.

Vince Cable: RBS report recommends prosecution - The Telegraph

Vince Cable is poised to take action against Fred Goodwin and a small number of other former Royal Bank of Scotland directors as a direct result of the bank's collapse.

Zuckerberg threatens to leave Nasdaq and key lieutenant quits - The Independent

Facebook has suffered the first resignation of a top-flight executive since last month's controversial stock market flotation, adding to the headaches facing Mark Zuckerberg, who has seen the company's shares plummet since their debut.


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Chris M Skinner

Chris Skinner is best known as an independent commentator on the financial markets through his blog,, as author of the bestselling book Digital Bank, and Chair of the European networking forum the Financial Services Club. He has been voted one of the most influential people in banking by The Financial Brand (as well as one of the best blogs), a FinTech Titan (Next Bank), one of the Fintech Leaders you need to follow (City AM, Deluxe and Jax Finance), as well as one of the Top 40 most influential people in financial technology by the Wall Street Journal's Financial News. To learn more click here...

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