Why are banks so easy to dislike?
I’ve realised over the last few weeks that my FinTech Karaoke is generally having a dig at bad bankers. It’s easy to have a go at bad bankers or, as the 99% call them, banksters. It’s because there’s a lot of bad practices historically in banking from ripping off customers with hidden fees (PPI); signing…

The FinTech Karaoke Challenge: Mr. Blue Sky
[A longer version of this blog appears here, explaining why so many songs are anti-bank] During lockdown, Spotify has found that the song Mr Blue Sky by the Electric Light Orchestra (ELO) is the most popular song of the summer. It makes us feel good, even though the song is over forty years old (stop…

The FinTech Karaoke Challenge: Googbusters
Everyone keeps talking about Big Tech opening banks. Rather than opening or buying banks, most of the Big Tech firms are partnering with them. Apple and Goldman Sachs make a nice pair as does Google, who partner with a variety of banks to offer financial capabilities. Several of the Big Tech firms have danced around…

The Karaoke Challenge: Despacito
During my karaoke lockdown challenge, I’ve been surprised how engaged my audience is, from those who encouraged me to do JaJa Ding Dong to a trans-Atlantic duet with Barb MacLean of Islands in the Stream. However, I’ve never been as challenged as I was this week. I got an email from Oriol Ros of Latinia…

The FinTech Karaoke Challange: Islands in the Stream, with Barb MacLean
This week’s challenge was created by various tweets between myself and Barb MacLean. She offered to duet with me but, considering I’m here in Poland she’s in Canada, that could be difficult. Anyways, the song we picked was Island in the Stream or, as it is now, Apps in the Cloud. We probably shouldn’t have…

The FinTech Karaoke Challenge: Summertime
I keep thinking I should give this up, but people keep encouraging me to continue so I will … for the moment. This week’s challenge was given to me by Brian Caplen, Editor-in-Chief of The Banker magazine, a sister publication of The Financial Times and hugely serious and circumspect. Therefore, I was surprised when Brian said I must…

The Karaoke Challenge: Gold digger
It seems my Karaoke Challenge is proving successful so far, with many readers asking me to cover a song they think would be funny with my quirky twist. Whilst I’m getting all of these requests, I’ll keep up my feeble attempts to entertain until I’m travelling and too busy again. This particular request I couldn’t…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us
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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser