Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


It’s all about the data

As those who read my blog will know by now I chair a very active group called Nordic Finance Innovation (NFI), based out of Oslo. Our last meetings were a great success and NFI rapporteur Danielle Pamela Neben did a great write-up afterwards. I’m guessing most of you will have missed it, so here it…

An important announcement about the Financial Services Club

During the second half of 2018, we were trying to work out the future of the Financial Services Club in light of one of our founders, Andy Coppell’s retirement. We have now made an agreement with Z/Yen, the long respected City research and consulting firm, to run our operations together for the future. More details…

Announcing a major expansion of the Financial Services Club

ANNOUNCEMENT – LONDON, UK: JUNE 25 2018 Back in 2003, Andy Coppell and I conceived the idea for The Financial Services Club, with the objectives of: Promoting discussion among senior people working in Financial Services, who were interested in better understanding the likely future direction of the Market; Enabling networking on a face to face…

#Brexit, Banking and Equivalence

As usual, the Financial Services Club was delighted to host David Doyle as our starting speaker for 2018, and he presented a fine overview of all the things bubbling as top  of the agenda in the European Union’s regulatory plans for 2018. Led by the Bulgarian presidency, the agenda focuses primarily on pushing forward the…

EU priorities for financial services regulations, 2017

We had a fun session of the Financial Services Club this week, in light of the lack of clarity on Brexit from the UK Gov.  The discussion was our regular New Year kick-off meeting with special guest David Doyle, sage of all EU regulations affecting Financial Services.  David provided us with great insight into the…

Which countries are leading financial inclusion?

Building upon Friday’s discussion of how the system treats the poor, there are interesting movements afoot at the Brookings Institute.  If you’re not familiar with Brookings, it is one of America’s oldest Think Tanks and provides independent research into social sciences, particularly economics, governance and foreign policy, for the US Government. The Institute has a…

Financial Services Club Season Q4 2016

I don’t often highlight the Financial Services Club’s forthcoming meetings, but felt it worth just noting a few upcoming specials.  Join the Club if you want to come along: Financial Services Club England September 6 Future Applications of the Blockchain Technology – Leanne Kemp, Founder and CEO, Everledger September 20 The Refugee Crisis is also an…

#Blockchain? It’s complicated

We had a great debate at the Financial Services Club last night between digital money sage Dave Birch of Consult Hyperion, and all things bitcoin master Jon Matonis. The debate was about whether blockchain is faster and cheaper, and it was clear from the start that this was going to be difficult as the question…

Eurosceptics rule KO!

So we had our annual update on all things EU yesterday from David Doyle, loyal friend of the Financial Services Club and our opening keynote in most years as we are all keen to know what the Eurocrats are thinking.  In prepping for the meeting, I got to thinking about the state of Europe today. …

A fine line for anonymity

I presented to the Financial Services Club meeting in Scotland last night and was asked an intriguing question at the end about anonymity.  What are the issues around protection of privacy and, by contrast, the requirements to protect anonymity?  If I am buying pornography, drugs or weapons online, am I doing this legally or illegally? …

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Kids creating the future bank | TEDxAthens

Captain Cake and the Candy Crew

Captain Cake Winner of a Golden Mom’s Choice Award


Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser