Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Nordea’s use of Facebook and social media to engage their customer

I really enjoyed the presentations in Oslo, particularly the case studies by Nordea and ValYou. Nordea spoke about their experiences with social media usage.  This, in itself, is fascinating as just a few years ago no bank spoke about social media in finance.  Now, I am building case studies about how banks see this as…

Nordea’s use of Facebook and social media to engage their customer

I really enjoyed the presentations in Oslo, particularly the case studies by Nordea and ValYou. Nordea spoke about their experiences with social media usage.  This, in itself, is fascinating as just a few years ago no bank spoke about social media in finance.  Now, I am building case studies about how banks see this as…

The Ambassador, Embassy, Ferroro-Rocher and a Banker

As mentioned, we had our first meeting of the Financial Services Club in Oslo last week, and a fine affair it was.  The most impressive aspect of the meeting being the palatial surroundings of the British Ambassador's Residence in Oslo. We hold many of our European meetings in partnership with the British Embassies, and sometimes…

Oslo Ambassador's Residence

Vikings: raiders or traders?

We had our second meeting of the Nordic Financial Services Club in Oslo last week. It was a fantastic meeting with case studies from a number of local firms including Schibsted Media Group, ValYou and Nordea.  I’ll write up some of this later this week, but wanted to begin with some history. Not some history of…

Viking trade

Vikings: raiders or traders?

We had our second meeting of the Nordic Financial Services Club in Oslo last week. It was a fantastic meeting with case studies from a number of local firms including Schibsted Media Group, ValYou and Nordea.  I’ll write up some of this later this week, but wanted to begin with some history. Not some history of…

Viking trade

The Financial Services Club Agenda 2014

It's been a manic season of Financial Services Club meetings now that we are in eight cities – Bratislava, Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Oslo, Stockholm, Vienna and Warsaw – and it does not look like changing soon so, in the spirit of sharing, here's the headline events for the Club over the next four months: England…

The Financial Services Club Agenda 2014

It's been a manic season of Financial Services Club meetings now that we are in eight cities – Bratislava, Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Oslo, Stockholm, Vienna and Warsaw – and it does not look like changing soon so, in the spirit of sharing, here's the headline events for the Club over the next four months: England…

European Union means Banking Union, but what does it mean for the City of London?

We had our usual first footing for the Financial Services Club this week, with an illuminating update from David Doyle, Policy Adviser on all things related to EU Financial Legislation. The meeting usually delves deep into the drafting of the Payment Services Regulation II (PSD II) and the implementation of MiFID II (agreed this week)….


The story of the official Financial Services Club’s Bear!

The Financial Services Club finished the year with a party, of course. This party was at one of the ancient livery companies of London, the Wax Chandler’s Hall (what’s a wax chandler?), and dedicated to the newly adopted bear of the Financial Services Club, Wojtek. We adopted the bear because our logo is a bull…


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