Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

The Finanser’s Week: 11th March – 17th March 2013

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Invest Northern Ireland

biggest stories of the past week are ...

Fixing Our Banks: Part One

Another day another conference, this one was about
“Fixing our banks – what to fix for whom?” at South Bank University. There was
a decent turnout of students and academics, and a panel providing a
multidisciplinary view from auditors, customers,...

Fixing Our Banks: Part Two - the
Bank View

As mentioned yesterday, I introduced a discussion
about Fixing Our Banks this week, alongside a distinguished panel comprising:
Charles Middleton, Managing Director of Triodos Bank; Seamus Gillen, Policy
Director with the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA);
Dominic Hook,...

Fixing Our Banks:
Part Three - the Shareholder's View

Last week, I introduced a discussion about Fixing Our Banks.
This is based upon a distinguished panel who each gave a perspective covering
bank, shareholder, employee, customer and auditor’s views of how to fix the
banking system. Yesterday, I gave...

Fixing Our Banks:
Part Four - the Employee's View

Following on from dialogue about the bank and shareholder
views, the employee’s view of fixing our banks was presented by Dominic Hook,
Head of the Finance and Legal Sector for the Unite union. There was plenty of
bluff and bluster...

Fixing Our Banks:
Part Five - the Customer's View

OK, this is the final part I am going to write up about
Fixing the Banks (a session that is being repeated at the Financial Services
Club on 14th May). The final part of the discussion focused upon the

The Changing Face of Payments 2013

In late 2012, the Financial Services Club conducted a survey
of 450 financial services professionals, in collaboration with VocaLink and
Cognizant about the state of the world's payment-processing infrastructures and
where it's heading.   Click
 to download the Changing Face of Payments 2013 report. 

Banks can has

I’m not even at South by South West, or SXSW as it’s known
by its hashtag on twitter, and yet I know what it’s all about. For all you
folks wrapped up in SEPA, EMIR, the PSD, Banking unions, bonus...

The lost cheque and
join the dots

Just had one of those days after discovering that I sent my
lawyer a cheque and he lost it. Shucks! Shouldn’t be a big issue, so I ring the
bank to cancel the cheque. That takes time, but it’s done....

Meet Britain's Greatest Fraudster

Only one man has
stood at both the summit of organised crime and the pinnacle of loss prevention
... wouldn’t you like to meet him?  On
18th April, the Financial Services Club will host Britain's Greatest
Fraudster, Tony Sales.  If you want
to meet him, then register.


The major general
news stories of the past week include ... 

pays £17m 'golden hello' to the man who broke RBS
- The Independent
UBS faces fresh outrage about banker pay after it emerged it has paid one of
the men behind the disastrous sale of ABN Amro to Royal Bank of Scotland a
Sfr25m (£17m) golden hello.

launches Visa-based banking app
- The Telegraph
A new banking app that will enable millions of customers to send money to
friends, family and businesses using their smartphone has been launched by
Royal Bank of Scotland.

Views - Faster, Better, and Cheaper (Like it or Not)
- Payments News
Over on Payments Views, Glenbrook's Carol Coye Benson has recently posted her
thoughts on the disruptive nature of the new real-time, credit-push systems
that are starting to emerge around the world. Of the various use cases, the
largest opportunity is undoubtedly B2B payments. But the most intriguing use
case is

financial products 'ready'
Four "no-frills" financial products have been designed and will be
available for consumers shortly to buy without advice.

and Jay-Z finances hacked
The musicians are targeted online, along with Ashton Kutcher, Kim Kardashian
and Paris Hilton.

banks may have £30bn hidden losses
- The Telegraph
British banks may be harbouring a black hole of as much as £50bn in undeclared
losses that do not show up in their accounts but hamper their efforts to lend,
a shareholder group has warned.

so unfair, say 'under-paid' bankers
- The Telegraph
Almost two-thirds of London bankers think they were underpaid last year and
half believe they have been treated unfairly.

branch sale progresses to crunch meetings with investors
- The
The £1bn bid for Royal Bank of Scotland's Williams & Glyn branches will
gather pace as investors hold crunch meetings on Monday with Andrew Higginson,
the man leading a takeover attempt.

bank boss exposed by the Mail on Sunday has quit Barclays
- Daily Mail
A Barclays banker accused of bullying and intimidation of junior staff in a
secret report exposed by The Mail on Sunday has stepped down. Barclays
confirmed that Mitch Cox had left, saying he had quit to ‘pursue interests
outside the firm’.

urged to split all banks if only one breaks new rules
- Reuters
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain should force all banks to split routine retail
operations from riskier investment activities if a single lender abuses new
rules designed to protect taxpayers, an influential panel of lawmakers said.


If you like the Finanser, check out the books of the blog: the Complete Banker Series


The Financial Services Club is sponsored by:

Invest Northern Ireland 


For details of sponsorship email us.

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Chris M Skinner

Chris Skinner is best known as an independent commentator on the financial markets through his blog,, as author of the bestselling book Digital Bank, and Chair of the European networking forum the Financial Services Club. He has been voted one of the most influential people in banking by The Financial Brand (as well as one of the best blogs), a FinTech Titan (Next Bank), one of the Fintech Leaders you need to follow (City AM, Deluxe and Jax Finance), as well as one of the Top 40 most influential people in financial technology by the Wall Street Journal's Financial News. To learn more click here...

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Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser