Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Sir Ranulph Fiennes caught trying to rob a bank

Like others in the conference hall, I felt a sense of awe as the world’s greatest living explorer, Sir Ranulph ‘Ran’ Fiennes, took to the stage to recount some of the stories about his life and travels, including the day he was in court over trying to rob a bank.  Bear in mind, this is…

Ranulph Fiennes

400 years of boom and bust

I just had a quick tour of the British Museum inspired by an article I read in The Telegraph about their exhibition of British bubbles and bankruptcies.  The exhibition traces back schemes from the 1600s, such as the Darien Disaster, right through the Railway Mania and Overend and Gurney Bank failure of 1866 through to Northern…


400 years of boom and bust

I just had a quick tour of the British Museum inspired by an article I read in The Telegraph about their exhibition of British bubbles and bankruptcies.  The exhibition traces back schemes from the 1600s, such as the Darien Disaster, right through the Railway Mania and Overend and Gurney Bank failure of 1866 through to Northern…


Try to destroy yourself … and then do it

One of the panellists at this week’s conference said that he employed twenty people whose sole duty was to find a way to destroy the business. I liked the idea of that.  It is a strong and emotive statement.  But what did he mean? “I employ twenty people in my innovation department who purely look…

First digital camera

Try to destroy yourself … and then do it

One of the panellists at this week’s conference said that he employed twenty people whose sole duty was to find a way to destroy the business. I liked the idea of that.  It is a strong and emotive statement.  But what did he mean? “I employ twenty people in my innovation department who purely look…

First digital camera

Were Skinner’s 2012 predictions correct?

At the start of the year, I always make a few predictions about what will happen in the following year.  Watch this blog in January for 2013’s predictions.  But what were the predictions for 2012? Well Economically, I made the following forecasts: Asia’s light continues to shine, but not quite as bright American equities is the place…

Were Skinner’s 2012 predictions correct?

At the start of the year, I always make a few predictions about what will happen in the following year.  Watch this blog in January for 2013’s predictions.  But what were the predictions for 2012? Well Economically, I made the following forecasts: Asia’s light continues to shine, but not quite as bright American equities is the place…

Risk is a many splendored thing

I was asked to give a pre-dinner speech by SAS for a group of Chief Risk Officers (CRO’s) in Amsterdam recently. Here’s the speech. Good evening ladies and gentlemen.  I wasn’t sure how to start this evening, and decided to begin with the collective noun for a group of CRO’s.  You are collectively known as a…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Kids creating the future bank | TEDxAthens

Captain Cake and the Candy Crew

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Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser