Things worth reading: 14th September 2009
Things we're reading today include … Today's must read Elderly Bank Robber on Oxygen Gets Away on Foot (San Diego 6 News)"An elderly robber carrying an oxygen tank with an oxygen tube leading to his nose robbed a La Jolla bank Saturday, left on foot with his loot and got away from police." Memories of Lehmans Bank…

Things worth reading: 14th September 2009
Things we're reading today include … Today's must read Elderly Bank Robber on Oxygen Gets Away on Foot (San Diego 6 News)"An elderly robber carrying an oxygen tank with an oxygen tube leading to his nose robbed a La Jolla bank Saturday, left on foot with his loot and got away from police." Memories of Lehmans Bank…

The Finanser’s Week: 7th September 2009 – 13th September 2009
The biggest news stories of the week include: National protectionism threatens to derail Payment Services Directive – report (Finextra) Research Project Reveals Flaws in Europe's Payments Ambitions (GT News) EU pushes for clampdown on bankers' bonuses (Euractiv) Bankers in Europe Criticize Crackdown on Bonuses (New YorkTimes)Barclays Capital fined £2.45m for data failure (Financial Times)Former bank…

The Finanser’s Week: 7th September 2009 – 13th September 2009
The biggest news stories of the week include: National protectionism threatens to derail Payment Services Directive – report (Finextra) Research Project Reveals Flaws in Europe's Payments Ambitions (GT News) EU pushes for clampdown on bankers' bonuses (Euractiv) Bankers in Europe Criticize Crackdown on Bonuses (New YorkTimes)Barclays Capital fined £2.45m for data failure (Financial Times)Former bank…

Things worth reading: 11th September 2009
Things we're reading today include … Today's must read Ulster Bank withdraws strip show for students offer (Belfast Telegraph) "Ulster bank offered college students in the Republic free tickets to a strip show as part of a promotion to encourage them to open new bank accounts. However, following an outpouring of anger from parents, the…

Things worth reading: 11th September 2009
Things we're reading today include … Today's must read Ulster Bank withdraws strip show for students offer (Belfast Telegraph) "Ulster bank offered college students in the Republic free tickets to a strip show as part of a promotion to encourage them to open new bank accounts. However, following an outpouring of anger from parents, the…

Things worth reading: 10th September 2009
Things we're reading today include … Today's must read: The Times celebrates its role in financial publishing revolution "Forty years ago today, The Times triggered a revolution in the way financial information was published after becoming the world’s first newspaper to use a computer to make financial calculations based on share prices and to print…

Things worth reading: 9th September 2009
Things we're reading today include … Today's must read We published our PSD and SEPA research results yesterday and made a little bit of news: National protectionism threatens to derail Payment Services Directive – report (Finextra)Research Project Reveals Flaws in Europe's Payments Ambitions (GT News) More on the way. Company News Barclays Capital fined £2.45m…

Things worth reading: 8th September 2009
Things we're reading today include … Today's must read One of my favourite monthly reads is Wired Magazine and this month they have a great article mapping the seven deadly sins. Result? Florida is the most devlish place in America … and I thought it was Nevada? Today's must seeInterview with Wells Fargo CEO John…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us
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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser