Why banks have no competition
I had a couple of really interesting dialogues with bankers yesterday. The first was with a career banker who is now working with one of the New Banks on its launch. The second was with an Asian bank manager running his bank's UK operations. As I talked with both, they expressed their frustrations with the…
Revising MiFID and RegNMS for HFT
Gawd, I hate acronymns and look at that! Three in one blog entry title!!! Anyways, for the nerdy-nerd equities guys, this will grab their attention. It's all to do with trading in European and American stocks and shares using High Frequency Trading (HFT) systems, and the regulations therein with EU MiFID rules applying over here…
Monthly MiFID MTF Monitor: May 2010
We are pleased to provide our fifth month of monitoring the MTF performances in European Equities trading, in partnership with Thomson Reuters Equity Market Share Reporter (EMSR). Market Share based upon Euro Value May 2010 April 2010 Source: Thomson Reuters Equity Market Share Reporter Market Share based upon Volume of Trading May 2010 April 2010…

What happens to SEPA, Chi-x etc if the euro fails?
There’s the classic old joke about the European dream being a place where the police are English, the chefs are Italian, the car mechanics are German, the lovers are French and the bankers are all Swiss. The nightmare is that it is a place where the police are German, the chefs are English, the car…

Challenges and Solutions for Banking UK
There were two interesting documents released yesterday, and worthy of mention here. The first is an official House of Commons Library publication: Download Key Issues for the New Parliament 2010 (8 Mb pdf). Two pages of the 72 page document are dedicated to the future of financial services. What does it say? Here's the text:…
The future of banking regulation
The City of London released an interesting document yesterday on the future of regulation of banking. They talk about liquidity, leverage, capital and risk liberally, and state that the future regulatory regime must not clamp down on capital reserves in banking so hard that the banks are unable to lubricate the global economy. What I…
The Return of the MiFIDs, 2010-2012+
We had a fun meeting of the financial services club this week, looking at the implications of MiFID, the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, and the outlook for MiFID II, or MiFID2 if you prefer. I’ve referenced the revision of MiFID before and included a great white paper by Philippe Guillot of CA Cheuvreux for…
Monthly MiFID MTF Monitor: April 2010
We are pleased to provide our fourth month of monitoring the MTF performances in European Equities trading, in partnership with Thomson Reuters Equity Market Share Reporter (EMSR). This month is particularly interesting with the demise of NASDAQ OMX Europe – rumours are that Equiduct are interested in buying their business – and a meeting at…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us
What is the future?

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser