Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


The similarity between OTC derivatives and cheese

I recently chaired a conference focused upon FXMM, or foreign exchange money markets for those unfamiliar. It’s a strange territory full of hedging and algo’s, but the bit of the day that really caught my attention was when Heather Pilley from the OTC Derivatives and Post-Trade Policy Division of the FSA, presented the plans for…


PSD and SEPA research results 2010

The FSClub released the outcome of this year's survey on the Payment Services Directive (PSD) and Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) this morning, sponsored by Logica, Dovetail and Earthport. This is the second year of the survey, and builds on last year's results.   Download the full survey report (2MB PDF): Download Report 2010 Here's…


Why does the card securities council not care about card security?

I mentioned that I spent last Friday morning with card fraud and security experts. The conversation began with a wide view of what’s happening, and a focus upon PCI DSS Standard 2.0, which is yet to be published. The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Securities Standards Council (SSC) have developed new versions of the PCI Data…

PCI standards Lifecylce

Best Execution and Global Trading

In the last of my blog entries on capital markets regulations and restructuring, I thought it worth mopping up best execution and global trading platforms, as these were referenced in the first item as a key part of future market change. Oh, and if you missed them, here are the previous blog entries: Part One:…

MiFID II: the post-trade agenda

One of the big topics in capital markets is intra-day liquidity and post-trade transparency. Such discussions are far more noticeable now because the whole reason for this crisis, according to some, was the loss of trust between counterparties. That loss of trust was based upon counterparties not having enough liquidity to cover their positions. After…

Liquidiry Risk

Dark Pools are 1.36% of all EU trading

After the earlier discussions of flash crashes and HFT, on to dark pools. It was interesting that a colleague made the statement this week that all orders could be seen on US exchanges before they are filled as that may be true for some markets, but dark pools exist to ensure that orders cannot be…

Dark Pools, Jun10

So what was the cause of the ‘flash crash’

I got into a bit of trouble yesterday, as various colleagues told me that the discussion on the flash crash was inaccurate and full of errors. A key issue was the discussion of flash orders being part of the problem as, apart from a rare exception such as Direct Edge, flash orders no longer exist…

SEC to crackdown on HFT?

I gave my first presentation for a while last week on capital markets and what’s top of mind. Here are the headlines of key areas of focus: High Frequency Trading (HFT) Dark Pools Best Execution Post-Trade Transparency Global Trading Platforms MiFID II I’ll review these areas in more depth during the week, and start today…

Save Bulgaria’s Stock Exchange

I had a reach out from Patrick Young, investment advisor, author of "The Exchange Manifesto" and regular commentator on capital markets. Patrick co-authored an opinion piece with Victor Papazov, the founder and former CEO and chairman of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange, in the Wall Street Journal yesterday. He's given me permission to reprint the article…

How the Dodd-Frank Legislation impacts Capital Markets

I just got this in my intray from Woodbine Associates, an American research firm that works with the exchange, broker/dealer, asset manager, hedge fund and technology vendor communities. It’s really interesting and talks about the impact the new American reforms, known as the Dodd-Frank Legislation, and how this law will impact the Capital Markets. Therefore,…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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