Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


A Few Mickey Mouse Marketing Ideas for Banks

This week I’m at a major retail banking conference in Orlando, USA, home of Disney and Universal Studios. Sure, I can hear you all saying, what’s Chris doing at such a Mickey Mouse Conference, but it’s got over 4,000 retail bankers here, so it’s worth my while. Anyways, sitting around in the sunshine yesterday, I…

A Few Mickey Mouse Marketing Ideas for Banks

This week I’m at a major retail banking conference in Orlando, USA, home of Disney and Universal Studios. Sure, I can hear you all saying, what’s Chris doing at such a Mickey Mouse Conference, but it’s got over 4,000 retail bankers here, so it’s worth my while. Anyways, sitting around in the sunshine yesterday, I…

Is now the time to invest in America?

Fascinating article sent to me in the New York Times just before the election results were announced.  According to the article, "a $10,000 investment in the S.& P. stock market index would have grown to $11,733 if invested under Republican presidents only, although that would be $51,211 if we exclude Herbert Hoover’s presidency during the…

Is now the time to invest in America?

Fascinating article sent to me in the New York Times just before the election results were announced.  According to the article, "a $10,000 investment in the S.& P. stock market index would have grown to $11,733 if invested under Republican presidents only, although that would be $51,211 if we exclude Herbert Hoover’s presidency during the…

Is now the time to invest in America?

Fascinating article sent to me in the New York Times just before the election results were announced.  According to the article, "a $10,000 investment in the S.& P. stock market index would have grown to $11,733 if invested under Republican presidents only, although that would be $51,211 if we exclude Herbert Hoover’s presidency during the…

BAI Retail Delivery, Orlando

Flying out to the USofA tomorrow to host a group of international CxO’s from European and Asian banks at the BAI Retail Delivery Conference and Exhibition.  The BAI Show is the biggest Expo for Retail Banking in the world, with over 5,000 attendees and  Colin Powell as keynote.  So you know what I’m going to…

1802 Quote about Banks from Jefferson

A mate of mine sent me this quote from Thomas Jefferson, written in1802: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake…

1802 Quote about Banks from Jefferson

A mate of mine sent me this quote from Thomas Jefferson, written in1802: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake…

1802 Quote about Banks from Jefferson

A mate of mine sent me this quote from Thomas Jefferson, written in1802: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser