Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Credit Crunch creates a rush to the Russians

Yesterday’s post prompted me to revisit the part of the BBC’s website with the credit loss timeline to see where we stand today. According to the various announcements, this is the latest list of consolidated subprime losses: Citigroup: $40.7bnUBS: $38bnMerrill Lynch: $31.7bnHSBC: $15.6bnBank of America: $14.9bnMorgan Stanley $12.6bnRoyal Bank of Scotland: $12bnJP Morgan Chase: $9.7bnWashington…

The Credit Crunch Hits My Hairdresser

The credit crunch is biting for many of us.From the major subprime losses reported by the banks, to the investment bankers losing their spouses, to the city traders who no longer enjoy their love life, times are bad. Outside the City we also see the issues, from soaring energy prices and inflationary pressures through to…

David Birch: Subversive Dynamics in the Payments World

I met David Birch yesterday, or Dave to his friends, guru of all things to do with mobile and card payments.  Lovely chap. What I did not realise is that he’s also seriously subversive and in danger of being exposed to the Government’s new 42-day detention criteria for being a dodgy chappie. What do I…

BoA: the #1 online bank?

Simon Deane-Johns pointed out yesterday that Comscore is also useful for looking at internet sites. True. A few of the most recent Comscore news items about banking include: Top Canadian Web Rankings for March 2008 One Out of Three U.K. Internet Users Banked Online in January 2008 Customer Experience Takes Center Stage in Online Banking…

Cuil to rival Google

As previously discussed, a new search engine called Cuil (pronounced ‘Cool’) is launched this week. Developed by former Google employees, Cuil claims to be better because it indexes more web pages – 120 billion versus 40 billion – and uses contextual searching to return more accurate results.  They also reckon that Cuil is more respectful…

Cuil to rival Google

As previously discussed, a new search engine called Cuil (pronounced ‘Cool’) is launched this week. Developed by former Google employees, Cuil claims to be better because it indexes more web pages – 120 billion versus 40 billion – and uses contextual searching to return more accurate results.  They also reckon that Cuil is more respectful…

Cuil to rival Google

As previously discussed, a new search engine called Cuil (pronounced ‘Cool’) is launched this week. Developed by former Google employees, Cuil claims to be better because it indexes more web pages – 120 billion versus 40 billion – and uses contextual searching to return more accurate results.  They also reckon that Cuil is more respectful…

Probably the #1 Banking Website in the World

I found a great new internet gadget last week: the Alexa toolbar. Alexa looks at site traffic for all sorts of companies, and shows how popular they are against a global index. For example, here are the most popular internet sites of all worldwide: 1. Yahoo2. Google3. YouTube4. Windows Live5. Microsoft Network6. MySpace7. Wikipedia8. Facebook9….

Google telling the truth but not the whole truth?

Interesting to see that Techcrunch have questioned Google’s post of a trillion unique URLs indexed, saying it’s more like 40 billion.  That’s still a lot, but why would Google mislead us? Because a major new competitor is launched next week, according to Techcrunch’s view of the world.

Google telling the truth but not the whole truth?

Interesting to see that Techcrunch have questioned Google’s post of a trillion unique URLs indexed, saying it’s more like 40 billion.  That’s still a lot, but why would Google mislead us? Because a major new competitor is launched next week, according to Techcrunch’s view of the world.

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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