IBM staff told to get another life
OK. After all my cynicism about Second Life becoming mainstream, mainly due to the Wild West nature of the Linden Labs offer, I take it all back. My issue was related to mashups, bombing, cyberterrorism and more. It was also related to the Second Life banking crash after they outlawed Gambling. As Neil Katz, chief…
IBM staff told to get another life
OK. After all my cynicism about Second Life becoming mainstream, mainly due to the Wild West nature of the Linden Labs offer, I take it all back. My issue was related to mashups, bombing, cyberterrorism and more. It was also related to the Second Life banking crash after they outlawed Gambling. As Neil Katz, chief…
IBM staff told to get another life
OK. After all my cynicism about Second Life becoming mainstream, mainly due to the Wild West nature of the Linden Labs offer, I take it all back. My issue was related to mashups, bombing, cyberterrorism and more. It was also related to the Second Life banking crash after they outlawed Gambling. As Neil Katz, chief…
Gold goes up, Banking goes down and vice versa
I regularly use Yahoo! chatrooms to look at what people are saying about different stocks and industries, so I was intrigued to see a link to Google Finance today. To me, it appears to be almost the same as Yahoo! Finance, and so where’s the value-add? Then I started looking at sector analysis and found…
Private Eye launches hedge fund
For regular readers of the UK comic magazine Private Eye, they have decided to launch one of the world’s more interesting hedge funds. Called the Curse of Lord Gnome Fund, it will have £200 million of funding with annual returns expected to be 20% against volatility of 8% – 10%. The aim of the fund…
Private Eye launches hedge fund
For regular readers of the UK comic magazine Private Eye, they have decided to launch one of the world’s more interesting hedge funds. Called the Curse of Lord Gnome Fund, it will have £200 million of funding with annual returns expected to be 20% against volatility of 8% – 10%. The aim of the fund…
Bears, banks and bail-outs …
Interesting to see that Bear Stearns are suffering the same issue as NCR, seeing this report on 28th March: "A senior Bear Stearns executive with 20 years’ experience has been accused of defecting to rival Morgan Stanley with so many print-outs of confidential client information that the troubled bank’s Boston office ran out of paper."…
MiFID starts to bite as US ECN BATS launches in Europe
BATS Trading has announced plans to launch in Europe, putting further pressure on traditional exchanges. Their aim is to capitalise on the opening of the European markets to new execution and trading venues, such as Chi-x, Smartpool, Turquoise, Virt-x, MarkitBOAT, Rainbow and more. Something that has been actively promoted by the implementation of Europe’s Markets…