Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Innovations in Banking, as demonstrated by #finovate

Finovate launched its first European show yesterday with over 400 attendees and 35 presentations from firms covering the whole gamete of financial services from investing to payments, personal financial management (a load of that!) to biometrics. Photo courtesy of Flickr: An Attentive Audience Eric Mattson and Jim Bruene of NetBanker asked me to host and kick…


A moral compass for banking

Talking about best execution and stuff today, we got into a debate about whether banks were worried about trashing the trust of customers or were concerned about changing behaviours. My response is that banks aren’t that bothered about trashing trust of retail customers as retail customers don’t make them money. The mass deposits of itsy-bitsy…

The next financial crisis is … 2015?

Oliver Wyman launched a new report at Davos last week that has garnered a few headlines. Titled: “The Financial Crisis of 2015: An Avoidable History”, they suggest that although financial services executives and regulators have worked hard to design a more stable financial system, they might fail as there are other market stresses that could…

In defence of bonuses

I was having yet another discussion about bonuses this week and boy, are we fed up with that discussion. Or maybe not. The reason for the maybe not is that we were talking about whether bankers being on salaried versus commission structures is better or worse as a business model, following the survey last week…

That old multichannel issue

I’ve just been working on a new presentation around banking trends in the retail space. One of the key things that comes out of this is the old multichannel nugget, which has also reared its ugly head in a new report from EFMA. The headline news from the report is that almost half of Europe’s…

Martini Banking

Monthly MiFID Monitor, December 2010

We are pleased to provide our ninth month of monitoring the MTF performances in European Equities trading, in partnership with Thomson Reuters Equity Market Share Reporter (EMSR).  Market Share based upon Euro Value December 2010 November 2010   Source: Thomson Reuters Equity Market Share Reporter   Market Share based upon Volume of Trading December 2010 November 2010 Source:…

MiFID Euro Dec 10

How to avoid bonus issues and taxes

I usually ignore press releases that land in my inbox as most are not relevant for the blog … but this one intrigued me and so I thought it might interest readers too … BANKING SALARIES ON THE UP AS BONUS POOLS LOOK SET TO SHRINK An analysis by recruitment specialist Poolia of year-on-year banking…

50 years of magic in video

Just as I post a nostalgic review of fifty years of tech developmetns, along comes a video that says it all about where we are today.   I was going to post  as an addednum to below but it's too good, so here's the new Intel video advert in all it's glory: HT to Jack Schofield

Weird Marketing

If you thought Lloyds Bank's ads were a bit weird and wacky … … have a look at this one from Umpqua Bank: It's quite nice and dreamy but, urm, what's the message? Community banking apparently. Ah well, I guess the dreamy sort of ads are better than just playing for laughs …    …

Is there any competition in UK banking?

So along I go to the Independent Commission on Banking’s (ICB) Hearing this week on bank competition and financial inclusion. The evening is the last of several meetings that have taken place across the country, as part of the Government sanctioned Independent Commission review of the structure of the banking market. For those unfamiliar with…

BAnking Commission

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser