Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

Blog Index

The Finanser’s Week: 17th January 2022 – 23rd January 2022

This week’s main blog discussions include … A great list of central bank thinking about digital currencies (#CBDC) Madhvi Mavadiya, Head of Content at Finextra, just posted a great list of developments in Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). She promises to keep it updated and the link is here. It covers every country from Antigua…

The Finanser’s Week: 9th January 2022 – 16th January 2022

This week’s main blog discussions include: How a bank’s IT systems allowed £100m a day of fraud NatWest, formerly Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), is a good example of a bank with rubbish IT. This was illustrated when I spotted the headline: NatWest fined $300 million for money laundering. They didn’t do the money laundering,…

The Finanser’s Week: 20th December 2021- 8th January 2022

The last fortnight’s main discussions include: Welcome to 2022 I used to make predictions to start the year. I’m not doing that anymore, as everyone else is doing them. I will add a few thoughts at the end of this week’s series of blog entries but, for the moment, here’s my selection of what’s ……

The top 11 blogs of 2021

As per normal, I look at the top blogs picked up by readers during the year. This year, maybe it’s me or maybe it’s them, the theme seems to be all about crypto … oh, and my April Fool’s joke.   #11 What will happen to bitcoin and crypto this year?   #10 If you…

The Finanser’s Week: 13th December 2021- 19th December 2021

This week’s blog discussions included … The importance of financial literacy “When I was a lad, I got four shillings and sixpence every week for pocket money.” “Luxury! I was whipped in two by my dad and lived in a shoebox by the motorway!” says my friend. OK, enough revival of old Monty Python sketches,…

The Finanser’s Week: 6th December 2021- 12th December 2021

This week’s blog discussions included … What will happen with crypto next? I had a friend who bought a load of bitcoin for around $10 each and then sold them to buy a house. If he had kept them, he could have ten houses today. I have another friend who invested heavily in ETH, the…

The Finanser’s Week: 29th November 2021- 5th December 2021

This week’s main blog discussions included … Twas the Night before Cryptmas As it is almost Christmas, I felt it necessary to rewrite the classic poem Twas the Night before Christmas. My version is Twas the Night before Cryptmas. Twas the Night before Cryptmas Twas the night before Cryptmas, when all through the net Not…

The Finanser’s Week: 22nd November 2021- 28th November 2021

This week’s main blog discussions include … The end of the line I saw the news that landlines are due to be dead by 2025 in the UK. Shame? Nah, who uses a landline these days? Twenty years ago, we depended on dial-up lines for AOL. Today, with WiFi and mobile everywhere, we’ve moved on….

The Finanser’s Week: 15th November 2021- 21st November 2021

This week’s main blog discussions include … FinTech? A flash in the pan? No, it’s worth a third of all banking I met with some friends the other day, who showed some stats that demonstrate that all FinTech is worth a third of all of the banking market worldwide. Source: CFTE’s Fintech Job Report [sum of largest…

The Finanser’s Week: 8th November 2021- 14th November 2021

This week’s main blog discussions include: $2 trillion a year sits rotting in bank accounts This headline caught my attention the other day: Bank loyalty costs savers £1.6 billion a year in missed interest The detail: There’s £246.5 billion ($340 billion) languishing in accounts paying no interest at all … A survey of 2,000 adults…

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser