Blog Index
The Finanser’s Week: 6th August 2018 – 12th August 2018
The main blog headlines are … Millennials: STOP EATING AVOCADOS!!! I’ve spotted a couple of interesting discussions about millennials and money in the last week, both of which say that the views on them are wrong. Stereotyped as avocado-crunching, cappuccino drinking, needies, the general media view is that this is a generation spoilt by helicopter…

The Finanser’s Week: 30th July 2018 – 5th August 2018
The main blog headlines this week are … Why we need to define: ‘challenger’ bank After my recent blog about challenger banks, I received an interesting email from David Parker challenging the idea that a start-up is actually a challenger. Chris I continually argue that Revolut is not a challenger bank – it does not today…

The Finanser’s Week: 23rd July 2018 – 29th July 2018
The main blog headlines are … Does the Fed putting America First destabilise the rest of the world? I see a strong need for global regulatory co-ordination. In particular, in a globalised world with a global network where everyone can connect and transact in real-time, anytime, anywhere, the idea of national regulators regulating a system…

The Finanser’s Week: 16th July 2018 – 22nd July 2018
The main blog headlines this week are … Some challenger banks are challenging The UK’s challenger banks are busy getting on with it. They’ve got their licences, they’ve deployed their services, they’re partnering with third parties and creating marketplaces. Much of this was cited in a report by CBInsights, comparing the features of the five…

The Finanser’s Week: 2nd July 2018 – 8th July 2018
The main blog headlines this week are … MPs battle over blockchain Conservative MP Eddie Hughes has just written a 36-page white paper extolling the benefits of blockchain for Britain, which was published yesterday Unlocking Blockchain: Embracing new technologies to drive efficiency and empower the citizen, by FREER. FREER is a major new initiative from…

The Finanser’s Week: 25th June 2018 – 1st July 2018
The main blog headlines are … When the bank knows you’ve been hacked (before everyone else) You may have seen that Ticketmaster just announced that thousands of customers worldwide may have been affected by a hack. If you didn’t here’s the low-down (via ABC News) The company said its British business, Ticketmaster UK, identified malicious…

The Finanser’s Week: 18th June 2018 – 24th June 2018
The main blog headlines this week are … The Amazonisation of Banking Last week, our good friend Dave Birch posted a great blog about the Amazonisation of Banking, most of which I agreed with. So I asked Dave if I could repost it here and he said “yes, of course”. Thanks Dave. Enjoy! The Amazonisation of Banking……

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us
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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser