Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

Rip it up and start again

I spotted two updates recently. The first is the half a billion dollar mistake at Citigroup. The second is how Amazon created Amazon Web Services (AWS). The two pieces go hand-in-hand. First, how could Citigroup make a billion dollar mistake? User Interface. The mistake was made by a worker in their offshore service centre, who…

The Finanser’s Week: 22nd February 2021- 28th February 2021

This week’s main blog notes include … Banks waste billions on digital How much money is wasted by banks on digital? I wonder whether, one day, anyone will work out how much money has been wasted by banks on digital technologies. Various reports reckon that banks spend anything from half a trillion dollars a year…

Read all about it: The Kalifa Review is out!

I blogged the other day about Singapore-on-the-Thames in anticipation of the Kalifa Review of UK FinTech. Today, the review is released so, here it is:  Executive Summary Over the past decade, the UK has been quietly undergoing a fintech revolution – in jobs, innovation, improvements to people’s lives and in increased opportunities in global…

The elephant, the bird and the tiger (king)

This is the tenth in a series of blogs about the elephant, which represents the economy, and the bird, which represents the future.   Spring is in the air. The clocks are jumping forward, and vaccines are being given everywhere. We feel we are coming through the end of this dark tunnel of lockdown and I can…

Banking on digital growth

I recently joined The Digital Growth podcast …   powered by Sounder … and they kindly transcribed the conversation, so I thought I would share it here. Chris Skinner: Traditional banks tend to push products through channels to get greater share of wallet and cross sell. Whereas, digital banks start with the customer journey and…

Banks waste billions on digital

How much money is wasted by banks on digital? I wonder whether, one day, anyone will work out how much money has been wasted by banks on digital technologies. Various reports reckon that banks spend anything from half a trillion dollars a year on tech to over a trillion. Two years ago, Accenture found that only…

Banks embrace the gig economy

I just got a report from PwC and my heart sank. The headline is: Financial institutions to significantly increase use of gig economy workers to upskill workforce PwC report suggests up to a fifth of future workforces in financial services could be gig employees The detail is: Importing the digital and specialist skill sets of…

Digital’s impact on towns: the end of main street

I’ve had several debates about the closure of shopping malls, the end of offices and the deserted high streets and main streets of the world. Add Covid lockdown to retail meltdown and the shops are disappearing faster than Donald Trump’s tweets. Thing is, the real question is: what is the future of retail and the…

The Finanser’s Week: 15th February 2021- 21st February 2021

The main blog discussions this week include … CBDCs, the Digital Euro and how it might work I’m very aware that central banks are investigating the use of digital currencies, particularly as they can now see bitcoin gaining more and more traction (Tesla, Square and more committed – next is Apple?), but had not realised…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser