Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

FinTech 2021 and beyond

As regular readers will know, I quite like Global Processing Services (GPS), the payments processing firm behind many of the leading FinTechs I deal with. So, when they sent me their views of 2021 trends for FinTech and payments, how could I resist? Enjoy! Four Predictions for Fintech and Payments in 2021 by Richard Hodgson,…

The outlook for banking in 2021

There are lots and lots and lots of reports and predictions for 2021 in banking. The one I liked the best is the report from Standard & Poor’s (S&P, see end of blog) about the impact of the crisis in 2020 and the outlook for banking in 2021. It’s a difficult discussion, as the only…

Happy New Year 2021! Here’s what’s going to happen …

After a year where every day felt like Groundhog day – same shit, different day (SSDD) – I’m hoping that 2021 will be different – different shit, every day (DSED). I’m not complaining, but 2020 was pretty awful. Some loved it – more time at home with family – but many hated it – more…

The 2020 Fintech Year in Review

I said I was on holiday, which I am, but noticed a very nice round up of 2020’s biggest Fintech news stories by Abraham A. Tachjian, who writes at I felt it was a good way to end the year and Abraham kindly said yes, I can share it so … enjoy!   The…

Happy holidays and all that, see you in 2021

These are my favourite seasonal ecards to wish you a happy holidays, and here’s to a great next year (where was 2020? did it happen?) … From Tom Fishburne, The Marketoonist From Matt Cartoons From Dave Birch From George Lucas

2021: things can only get better

This is my last blog of 2020, so I thought I would look back at the year with a personal view. A terrible year. A year of locked down loneliness for many. In my case, it’s been hard. I am used to being in a different country every other day, flying the world. Since February,…

What is the future?

I was chatting with a friend the other day, who pointed out my predictions. I don’t like to talk about them, as I’ve made so many, but he focused upon how accurate most of them have been. I was one of the first to talk about the impact of China and India on the future…

The Top 11 Blogs of 2020

These are the top 11 most read blogs of 2020 … unsurprisingly, they are mainly about digital transformation and the biggest challengers out there: Monzo, Starling, Revolut, Ant and company; although this year’s #1 will surprise you as it’s nothing to do with finance and technology. Enjoy!   At #11 Forget about Monzo and Starling,…

The Finanser’s Week: 14th December 2020 – 20th December 2020

The main blog discussions this week include … Can we change The System? Yes, we can … ish I woke up yesterday to find this story on Sifted, the Financial Times newish platform dedicated to innovation and FinTech: Fintechs to cosy up with politicians to counter ‘big bank lobby’ It’s interesting, especially for a guy…

The elephant left

This is the sixth in a series of blogs about the elephant, which represents the economy, and the bird, which represents the future. The bird was out of its cage, but it stayed in the room. We had talked a lot about the economy and, although the elephant had left the room, I knew it was…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser