Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

The payments world is being transformed rapidly digitally … are you keeping up?

Sitting down to blog today, I wondered what was the difference between A2A and P2P. I’m sure you know that A2A is Account-to-Account and P2P is Peer-to-Peer, but surely they are one and the same thing? Ahem, no. According to Brite, a player in the open banking space: Account-to-account payments are direct transfers of funds…

Is Trump the killer of the slippard?

I recently read a book to my kids. It was Dr Seuss’ I Had Trouble In Getting to Solla Sollew which, if you don’t know the book, involves an arduous journey to Solla Sollew, “where they never have troubles! At least, very few”. Solla Sollew is believed to be a place of hope and wonder,…

A new American Government? What will that mean for Fintech?

I blogged the other day A new British Government: what does it mean for fintech? and asked the question of how the new Labour government could maintain the UK’s leadership in this space. Today, I’m asking the other question about our special relationship with America, and what a new American Government would mean for fintech. The…

Is Europe failing due to regulations? #Microsoft #IT #Outage

There’s been a meme going around for a while now that America is great at invention and innovation; Asia is great at industrialising and maximising America’s inventions; and Europe is fantastic at blocking all of it through regulations. The Eurocrat regime rules. What’s the reality? Well, it certainly is true that America led the way with…

With great power, comes great threat #Revolut #PayPal

With great power, comes great responsibility. It’s a quote from Spiderman, but actually not. It’s from Spiderman’s Uncle Ben. Well, it’s not tbh. It’s from Voltaire … or is it? Wherever it is from, it’s a great phrase. So, here’s a new one. With great power, comes great threat, and that one is from me….

The Finanser’s Week: 15th July – 21st July 2024

This week’s main blog discussions include … The CrowdStrike issue and its impact on Microsoft I was talking with my 8 year-old son and said that the whole world had just stopped. He asked what do you mean? I replied that everything stopped. Airlines, banks, shops, trains, hospitals and more. He asked what happened? I…

The day the digital died #Crowdstrike #Microsoft

I was talking with my 8 year-old son and said that the whole world had just stopped. He asked what do you mean? I replied that everything stopped. Airlines, banks, shops, trains, hospitals and more. He asked what happened? I said that an update from a company to the core of the computer systems of…

It’s not Sex and the City … it’s AI and the Citi

I sometimes think I’ve been sleeping when I discover a treasure trove of documents produced by a major global bank that completely passed me by, so I was delighted to discover these documents from Citibank: Citi GPS: AI in Finance: Bot, Bank & Beyond Artificial Intelligence in Finance: Opportunities & Risks AI Time: Future AI…

What’s hot in AI?

I blogged the other day about what’s hot and what’s not in fintech, but what about what’s hot and what’s not in AI? Equally, as I also blogged, AI is not one thing. It’s a million use cases which are all different. So, what are hot use cases for AI? Well, luckily, Allie Garfinle on Forbes, has surveyed…

Stripe strikes

There’s been a lot of activity around Stripe this week, who are now valued at $70 billion (slightly down from 2021 but up from 2023). Stripe’s valuation has edged up to $70 billion as Sequoia Capital offers to buy shares from its investors looking to cash out of the fintech that helps merchants process customer payments. Source: Marcel…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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30 Best Regtech Blogs and Websites 2023

Kids creating the future bank | TEDxAthens

Captain Cake and the Candy Crew

Captain Cake Winner of a Golden Mom’s Choice Award


Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser