Are banks adapting in the right way?
I picked up a few innovative changes taking place this week within banks. In fact, I should point out that banks are not static beasts, as many claim. They are changing all the time, doing things all the time, adapting all the time. The question is: are they adapting in the right way? Charles Darwin…

Ana Botin of Santander on FinTech and Blockchain
Really interesting interview here with Ana Botin, Executive Chair of Santander, on Bloomberg. It starts with talking about how Santander can make a difference on climate change with Ana claiming that the bank is voted the most sustainable bank in the world. But when the interviewer, Erik Schatzker, asks her how Santander is making a…

The Finanser’s Week: 18th November – 24th November 2019
The main blog headlines are … What would you rather talk about: sex, religion, politics or money? My blog often seems to return to the subject of sex, whether it be sexism or basic sex. It is for the reason that money and rumpy-pumpy are the twin engines powering everything we do, as Jeremy Clarkson…

Relationships are hard, so how do Fin and Tech get on?
I just spent a few days in bars and restaurants in a place where everyone lives underground. It’s called Toronto. A place so cold that even Olaf from Frozen has migrated South. In fact, it gets so cold in Canada, they actually have hair freezing contests. Anyways, sitting in a bar, I was privileged to…

Google, Facebook, Amazon and Co are NOT offering banking, so stop saying they are
In the last month, there’s been a wave of announcements from Facebook, Apple, Google and Amazon about banking. We’ve seen Facebook’s major activities in trying to create a digital currency called Libra, and Apple’s move into finance with a credit card from Goldman Sachs which, in just a month, offered a $10 billion line of…

The future of money according to the Swiss (shhh, it’s not bitcoin)
I just saw an interesting report produced and released by SIX Group that talks about the future of money. SIX Group run payments and settlement processing out of Switzerland and, unsurprisingly, their view is that the most likely future is that there will be digital everything but still some cash around. My own view is…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us
What is the future?

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Kids creating the future bank | TEDxAthens
Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser