Fast cycle change: building a new world
I just had a nice holiday in Dubai. The hotel had a huge mixture of Asians, Russians, Indians, Europeans and even a few Americans. It was lovely. Geared up for families, there were rug rats and strollers everywhere. This got me thinking. Yet again, I was thinking how different these children’s lives will be to…
Half of banks’ customers don’t trust them
I was reflecting on this year’s Edelman Trust Monitor, a global survey of trust amongst consumers that has been running for 18 years. This year’s results prove fascinating, as there has been a slump in confidence in the media over the past year, due to fake news. However, the part that stood out for me…
The Finanser’s Week: 15th January 2017 – 21st January 2018
The main blog headlines are … #Brexit, Banking and Equivalence As usual, the Financial Services Club was delighted to host David Doyle as our starting speaker for 2018, and he presented a fine overview of all the things bubbling as top of the agenda in the European Union’s regulatory plans for 2018. Led by the…
#Brexit, Banking and Equivalence
As usual, the Financial Services Club was delighted to host David Doyle as our starting speaker for 2018, and he presented a fine overview of all the things bubbling as top of the agenda in the European Union’s regulatory plans for 2018. Led by the Bulgarian presidency, the agenda focuses primarily on pushing forward the…
e-Estonia, a country full of e-Everything
I visited Tallinn towards the end of last year. If you’re not familiar it’s the capital of Estonia, a country that is the most advanced digital economy in Europe. This all began due to a hack ten years ago, when intrepid Russians were commissioned to destabilise the country’s economy. This hack led to Estonia rapidly…
Innovation with compliance is difficult
I’ve been at a few conferences this week, and was amused by an audience poll at one event. The moderator first of all asked: Do you believe that the regulators are in the incumbent’s pockets and protect the industry from new competition? You may find it gratifying that most of the audience disagreed with the…