Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


The post-holiday reality blues

So, it’s just a couple of days since returning to work and I’m already fed up. My PC’s decided not to load licensed and paid for Adobe apps. It tells me to reload and then won’t accept the paid for licence number. Then my iPhone fell on the floor and broke, the crown on my…

Perthshire Chronicle1

Pay me nothing or I’ll take you to court

A true story … A man received a bill for his as yet unused credit card stating that he owed £0.00. He ignored it and threw it away. In April he received another and threw that one away too. The following month the credit card company sent him a very nasty note stating they were…

Ozzies debate the root of all evil

Only in Melbourne could they come up with the idea of getting six comedians to debate whether money is the root of all evil. The occasion was the 20th Annual Great Comedy Debate at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2009.  Although a year old, I only just caught it on my flight back from Singapore…

This year’s best cartoons …

I'm an irregular reader of Prospect Magazine. It's a great UK publication that focuses on political and economic essays on current affairs, with most of this month's writing about the elections and its implications. One of the best things in the mag is its A-list cartoonists.  As a monthly they pick only the best and…


Accenture’s marketing team strikes again

After Tiger Wood’s disastrous PR with golf clubs wrapped around teeth, Accenture had to rapidly come up with a new campaign to reignite their brand. So I arrive at Heathrow this morning and here it is: Brilliant. Inspired. Bodacious. Not. Quantum leaps are all well and good, but my immediate thought was Quantum Analytics. The…


Not an ash cloud, but a cash cloud

Overheard this week, a conversation between a bank’s CIO (the Technogeek), CFO (Mr. Bean) and CEO (The Governor). TECHNOGEEK: So times are tough and we need to manage costs. I suggest we do that by using cloud computing and software-as-a-service tools. THE GOVERNOR:  Can you talk English, technogeek? TECHNOGEEK: Sorry, Governor. What I’m talking about…

PayPal, Microsoft and Google’s visions of the future

Today seems to be a day about future trends. For example, I stumbled across a great discussion about the future of the internet with Google CEO Eric Schmidt: This is a 45 minute interview with Mr. Schmidt at a Gartner Symposium in the USA last year. Key comments from the interview, identified by Read-Write Web,…


Your soul is mine

I know that many of you will have read the story already but, just in case, it is worth posting here for posterity and for the record.  LONDON, ENGLAND, April 03, 2010 /24-7PressRelease/ — Gamestation has discovered that more than 88% of the British public do not read the terms and conditions of a website…


The real banking crisis …

Another item spotted whilst on the Underground this week, and this one did make me laugh (although it shouldn't have) … … 'nuff said.


Not the most diplomatic poster

Just spotted this poster on the London Underground … … don't think that tour will be too popular right now.  


Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser