Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Britain’s first mobile bank

I was pleased to hear about the progress of MoBank,  the UK’s first mobile-only bank, which launches in May. It’s not a fully fledged bank yet, like Jibun Bank, as it’s starting out as a convenient way to buy things through an iPhone and designed for young adults. So it doesn't have all the transactional…


Why banks should focus upon Twitter

Blogging about Twitter in January and February identified it as a new, social networking focal point, due to the rapidly growing numbers of fans of their service. Now there are many folks asking questions about Twitter, as it gains momentum. For example, in the last few days, Paul Penrose at Finextra asks: "What’s the point…


Proof that (UK) banks miss out on new media

Building on yesterday's comments about UK banks missing out on new media, if you want proof you only need to look at Revolution's annual awards for 2009. Revolution Magazine is one of my favourite monthly reads, as it's all about innovation online.  Each year their awards ceremony recognises the best of British internet marketing across…


Proof that (UK) banks miss out on new media

Building on yesterday's comments about UK banks missing out on new media, if you want proof you only need to look at Revolution's annual awards for 2009. Revolution Magazine is one of my favourite monthly reads, as it's all about innovation online.  Each year their awards ceremony recognises the best of British internet marketing across…


We know who you are … or do we?

Talking about knowing where and who the customer is, I attended a fascinating discussion earlier in the week. We were brainstorming security, trust and protection of critical financial infrastructures and had a variety of breakout groups looking at different aspects of such systems. The breakout group I joined started with a scenario of the near…

We know who you are … or do we?

Talking about knowing where and who the customer is, I attended a fascinating discussion earlier in the week. We were brainstorming security, trust and protection of critical financial infrastructures and had a variety of breakout groups looking at different aspects of such systems. The breakout group I joined started with a scenario of the near…

Jibun Bank: a mobile telephone only bank

I’ve talked about UMPay, a JV between Unionpay and China Mobile, as well as eBank, an internet bank leader in Japan now owned by an etailer, Rakuten Group. This leads nicely into what is probably the most innovative bank I've seen so far: Jibun Bank, a Japanese bank which translates into ‘my bank’ in English….


Jibun Bank: a mobile telephone only bank

I’ve talked about UMPay, a JV between Unionpay and China Mobile, as well as eBank, an internet bank leader in Japan now owned by an etailer, Rakuten Group. This leads nicely into what is probably the most innovative bank I've seen so far: Jibun Bank, a Japanese bank which translates into ‘my bank’ in English….


Jibun Bank: a mobile telephone only bank

I’ve talked about UMPay, a JV between Unionpay and China Mobile, as well as eBank, an internet bank leader in Japan now owned by an etailer, Rakuten Group. This leads nicely into what is probably the most innovative bank I've seen so far: Jibun Bank, a Japanese bank which translates into ‘my bank’ in English….


Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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