Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Want to see an alternative future for money?

I’ve spoken about community currencies regularly, but some folks find them hard to visualise. Well, there’s one project alive and kicking in the Devon town of Totnes, as described in the Observer and many other articles.   This BBC coverage of the Devonian Totnes pound shows the concept best though, and includes a video that explains…

The end of the EU, euro, SEPA and MiFID is nigh?

There’s been a recent storm of controversy over the ECB’s decision to accept mortgage backed bonds from Spain.  In effect, Spain has had a disastrous subprime mortgage collapse and has been bailed out by the ECB.        This Investment Markets note of last week explains the process well, saying that Spanish banks have been…

The end of the EU, euro, SEPA and MiFID is nigh?

There’s been a recent storm of controversy over the ECB’s decision to accept mortgage backed bonds from Spain.  In effect, Spain has had a disastrous subprime mortgage collapse and has been bailed out by the ECB.        This Investment Markets note of last week explains the process well, saying that Spanish banks have been…

SIA to compete with SWIFT

A mate pointed this out from International Banking Systems Journal, December/January issue:  "Italian payment network provider, SIA-SSB, is seeking to move firmly into SWIFT’s domain, with plans to extend its SIAnet broadband network. It is taking its current infrastructure, which provides connectivity between banks and corporates in Italy, as well as linking to European brokers…

SIA to compete with SWIFT

A mate pointed this out from International Banking Systems Journal, December/January issue:  "Italian payment network provider, SIA-SSB, is seeking to move firmly into SWIFT’s domain, with plans to extend its SIAnet broadband network. It is taking its current infrastructure, which provides connectivity between banks and corporates in Italy, as well as linking to European brokers…

A beginner’s guide to robbery in the 21st century

I know I shouldn’t post this, as some folks might take note for illicit purposes, but what I’m writing is nothing new.  It’s already well-known by the criminal fraternity, so I might as well share it with you.  It’s also well known in the risk and security community, but they don’t seem to make it…

A beginner’s guide to robbery in the 21st century

I know I shouldn’t post this, as some folks might take note for illicit purposes, but what I’m writing is nothing new.  It’s already well-known by the criminal fraternity, so I might as well share it with you.  It’s also well known in the risk and security community, but they don’t seem to make it…

A beginner’s guide to robbery in the 21st century

I know I shouldn’t post this, as some folks might take note for illicit purposes, but what I’m writing is nothing new.  It’s already well-known by the criminal fraternity, so I might as well share it with you.  It’s also well known in the risk and security community, but they don’t seem to make it…

Chris Skinner’s Book on Banking Provokes

Chris Skinner, who has established a global reputation as a banking provocateur, is in good form with his new book, “The Future of Banking in a Globalised World.” (John Wiley & Sons, 196 pages, £34.99) In it, he points out many of the more obvious problems in retail banking – such as a focus on…

Chris Skinner’s Book on Banking Provokes

Chris Skinner, who has established a global reputation as a banking provocateur, is in good form with his new book, “The Future of Banking in a Globalised World.” (John Wiley & Sons, 196 pages, £34.99) In it, he points out many of the more obvious problems in retail banking – such as a focus on…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser