Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Things worth reading: 6th April 2016

Things we’re reading today include … Banks deny claims they helped avoid tax Worldpay set to break free from RBS PayPal cancels North Carolina center in protest of law that ‘denies equal rights’ Barclays again warns on investment bank results Libor trial: former Barclays bankers were ‘driven by money’    

Things worth reading: 5th April 2016

Things we’re reading today include … Credit Suisse CEO Thiam targets bigger China presence Quantum computing: Game changer or security threat? Banks turn to online talent forums Credit Suisse faces tough questions after $1 billion write-downs Bats plans second attempt at IPO Working past retirement age: for Generation X, putting the feet up seems a…

Things worth reading: 4th April 2016

Things we’re reading today include …   Ignore the hype about fintech ‘Lots of dead unicorns’ predicted Santander launches quick loans for SMEs Revealed: the $2bn offshore trail that leads to Vladimir Putin Cash machines shut down over crime fears Deutsche Bank loses top 3 investment bank rating, research firm says: Financial Times Ethical credentials…

The Finanser’s Week: 28th March – 3rd April 2016

Our main stories of this week includes … Pussy Galore OK, I see weird things everywhere.  Last week in Japan … But even the Japanese cannot beat the guys in the Middle East.   A few days before I went to Tokyo I was in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) at a conference called MEFTECH, … Fintech…

Things worth reading: 1st April 2016

Things we’re reading today include … Does ‘pay by app’ mean an end to shopping queues? MetLife ruling bolsters other firms arguing systemic unimportance GE Capital asks U.S. government to lift ‘too big to fail’ designation Co-op Bank on hunt for chief executive World’s top banks in U.S. government cross-hairs over dealings with 1MDB U.S….

Things worth reading: 30th March 2016

Things we’re reading today include … How your bank is reacting to competition Is It Time To Admit Defeat On Barclays Plc & Royal Bank Of Scotland Group Plc? Samsung Pay launches in China Wells Fargo plans quiet assault on Wall Street from glass tower Bank of England warns that vote to leave EU risks…

Things worth reading: 29th March 2016

Things we’re reading today include … US man’s bank payment stopped over dog’s ‘terrorist’ name ‘Billionaire’ tradesman may have used fake banking app to dupe lawyer Brazil’s Original online bank returns ‘attractive’ in four years Deutsche Bank streamlines IT systems in effort to cut costs How your bank is reacting to competition Nasdaq hires ex-Chi-X…

The Finanser’s Week: 21st March – 27th March 2016

Our main stories of this week includes … We are the Robots: science fiction becomes science fact I recently talked about the oncoming internet developments that follow the internet of things, from the internet on demand (3D and 4D printing) to the internet of robots.  A colleague came up afterwards, and said I was daft to…

Things worth reading: 24th March 2016

Things we’re reading today include … Apple Pay coming to mobile websites later this year: Re/code Credit Suisse to axe 2,000 more investment banking jobs Credit Suisse grows ever more like UBS Credit Suisse slams ‘concealed exposures’ ANZ’s $900m loss on mining loans is the ‘tip of the iceberg’, analysts say World’s biggest startup? Samsung…

The Finanser’s Week: 14th March – 20th March 2016

Our main stories of this week includes … The Origins of Moneykind, Part One: Shared Beliefs As you all know now, this week sees the release of my new book ValueWeb.  Yes, you can buy it from today on Amazon or any of the other services you use.  It’s released in UK from March 15, and USA from…

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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