Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Things worth reading: 15th November 2012

Things we're reading today include … Goldman Sachs cuts back on new partners RBS 'could quit an independent Scotland' What the banker should have said to the bishop Icap feels the City's pain as profits take a nosedive FSA warns global banks to rein in bonuses Fewer winners in Goldman Sachs partnership race Barclays swamped…

Things worth reading: 14th November 2012

Things we're reading today include … RBS chief warns of 'moral hazard' in ringfencing retail banks Bank ring-fence 'may raise risk' Regulators open inquiry into HSBC in Jersey Judge orders Barclays to reveal names of 208 staff linked to Libor probe Moody's warns on Libor downgrade risk to banks BofA takes on mobile payment start-ups…

Things worth reading: 13th November 2012

Things we're reading today include … Lancashire council becomes online lender Tucker 'favoured' as next Bank governor 'FSA action saved HBOS from speculators' David Cameron's Lord Mayor's Banquet speech: in full Glitch stops NYSE trading in 216 companies Bank ring-fence plan 'still best' Bank reform will cut £10bn taxpayer subsidy by 80pc, says Sir John…

Things worth reading: 12th November 2012

Things we're reading today include … UBS trader awaits verdict of fraud trial UBS leads way in to wealth management Sassoon sets a new future for banking CBI chief defends banks over Libor and PPI Hong Kong set to overtake shrinking City Former Citigroup chief executive Pandit receives £15.5m payour RBS begins branch sale JPMorgan…

The Finanser’s Week: 5th November – 11th November 2012

The Finanser has been nominated for a major Award as the best financial blog.  We would really appreciate your vote if you want to make one 🙂  To vote click here.  Our biggest stories of the past week are …  A hundred years of cash A hundred years ago, things were different but the same. We…

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Things worth reading: 9th November 2012

Things we're reading today include … HSBC to probe 'criminal' accounts HSBC investigation: Drug dealers, gun runners and Britain's biggest bank HSBC Jersey accounts of 4,000 Britons under scrutiny HSBC investigation: Mexican subsidiary investigated over money laundering claims Ex-Goldman trader's fraud caused $118 million loss: U.S. regulator 'Congratulations, you've become a Goldman Sachs partner' SocGen…

Things worth reading: 8th November 2012

Things we're reading today include … Wall Street sinks after election as "fiscal cliff" eyed VIDEO: What is the US fiscal cliff? Banks’ customers have left them behind Bank safety plans not enough, UK economy chief warns BNP Paribas sees profits increase ING blow to small business investment plans Banks risk 'reputational bonfire' on industry…

Things worth reading: 7th November 2012

Things we're reading today include … Financier Amanda Staveley accused of lying to protect £3m claim Goldman Sachs trims partner list to help cut expenses Commerzbank to challenge bonus ruling MF Global customers sue PricewaterhouseCoopers in amended lawsuit Cull of City jobs 'likely to be even greater than feared' FCA chairman defends HBOS audit VIDEO:…

Things worth reading: 6th November 2012

Things we're reading today include … Banks have lost 'right to self-determination', says HSBC chairman Douglas Flint Financier jailed for huge fraud Standard & Poor's order to pay millions over AAA ratings Banks plea for right to sell derivatives Barclays 'embracing' ring-fence America's self-aggrandising regulators are biggest risk to HSBC We're a British bank, get…

Things worth reading: 5th November 2012

Things we're reading today include … HSBC profits up as mis-selling scandal goes on HSBC to face £1bn fines over money-laundering HSBC to see profits fall to £3.3bn Ermotti shifts UBS’s investment vision Robert Tchenguiz to sue SFO for damages after Kaupthing probe arrest ECB investigating if loans made to Spanish banks contravened rules G20…

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