Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Things worth reading: 3rd November 2009

Things we're reading today include … Restructure of banking sector set to cost taxpayer and extra £40 billion (Times) FSA's Lord Turner: splitting banks will make sector more risky (Telegraph) FSA to review compensation scheme for bank failures (Times) The honeymoon period is over for Hester (Times) Myners' super-fast shares warning  (BBC) More Than 10% of…


Things worth reading: 3rd November 2009

Things we're reading today include … Restructure of banking sector set to cost taxpayer and extra £40 billion (Times) FSA's Lord Turner: splitting banks will make sector more risky (Telegraph) FSA to review compensation scheme for bank failures (Times) The honeymoon period is over for Hester (Times) Myners' super-fast shares warning  (BBC) More Than 10% of…


Things worth reading: 3rd November 2009

Things we're reading today include … Restructure of banking sector set to cost taxpayer and extra £40 billion (Times) FSA's Lord Turner: splitting banks will make sector more risky (Telegraph) FSA to review compensation scheme for bank failures (Times) The honeymoon period is over for Hester (Times) Myners' super-fast shares warning  (BBC) More Than 10% of…


Things worth reading: 3rd November 2009

Things we're reading today include … Restructure of banking sector set to cost taxpayer and extra £40 billion (Times) FSA's Lord Turner: splitting banks will make sector more risky (Telegraph) FSA to review compensation scheme for bank failures (Times) The honeymoon period is over for Hester (Times) Myners' super-fast shares warning  (BBC) More Than 10% of…


The Finanser’s Week: 26th October 2009 – 1st November 2009

The biggest news stories of the week include: Banks not buying in to Single Payments Area (Euractiv) Credit crunch almost over, says ECB (Euractiv) US economy is growing once again (BBC) ING to separate banking and insurance operations, and divest ING USA (ING Press Release) Brussels to split up Britain's high street banks (Times) Bernanke: Smaller Banks Not…


Things worth reading: 30th October 2009

Things we're reading today include … Today's must read: Bank of New York Melon Computer Tech Indicted for Identity Theft (New York Criminal Lawyer Blog) "The Manhattan District Attorney's Office issued a press release involving the arrest and indictment of Adeniyi Adeyemi, a computer technician employed by the Bank of New York Melon. The 138…

Trick or treat

Things worth reading: 29th October 2009

Things we're reading today include … Today's must read Just to cheer you up, it is exactly eighty years ago today that 'Black Tuesday' hit Wall Street and the stock market crash started what became the Great Depression: October 29th 1929. Thank goodness that will never happen again! Jamie Dimon on the financial crisis (Business Week)Geithner…

Great Depression

Things worth reading: 28th October 2009

Things we're reading today include … Budenberg set to be named as UKFI head (Financial Times) ‘Too big to fail’ is too dumb an idea to keep (Financial Times) Santander maintains strong profit (BBC) Santander shares tumble amid flat profits (Times) EU 'to back Northern Rock split' (BBC) Brussels to split up Britain's high street…


Things worth reading: 27th October 2009

Things we’re reading today include … Today’s must read: A two part report from the Seattle Times on the fall of Washington Mutual. Part one | Reckless strategies doomed WaMu Execs say WaMu fell victim to the economy &emp; but WaMu caused its demise by embracing risky loans and dismantling safeguards. Part two | WaMu:…


Things worth reading: 26th October 2009

Things we're reading today include … q Today's must read: Wall Street's Naked Swindle by Matt Taibbi in the Rolling Stone (he of the Goldman Vampire Squid fame) “The nation's largest financial players are able to write the rules for own their businesses and brazenly steal billions under the noses of regulators, and nothing is…


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