Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Things worth reading: 8th March 2009

Things we're reading today include: Lloyds boss to come clean on tax (The Times) Angry investors call for heads of Lloyds bosses (Independent) Bank of England's £150bn injection may not work, economists warn (Telegraph) Treasury blocks Bank of England chair (Telegraph) Why the Bank of England may have just signed free banking's death warrant (Independent) …


Things worth reading: 7th March 2009

Things we're reading today include: UK Billions spent and we are still left in the dark (Telegraph) Blank under fire as Treasury moves to take control of Lloyds (Guardian) Lloyds in tense talks over stake (Financial Times) Merrill Lynch admits investigation of $120m 'rogue trades' (Guardian) Europe Talks continue on Fortis sale ahead of deadline…

Things worth reading: 6th March 2009

Things we're reading today include: UK Stalemate between Lloyds and the Government is turning into a farce (Telegraph) London trader at centre of Merrill investigation into 'irregularities' (Times) L&G calls for Barclays chairman Michael Agius to go (Telegraph) Europe Analysis: Swiss bracing for change in bank secrecy (Associated Press) Three questions on monetary policy easing…

Things worth reading: 4th March 2009

Things we're reading today include: George Osborne tells FSA City needs tougher laws to curb wrongdoing (The Times) Darling Says U.K. Endorses European Union Financial Regulator (Bloomberg) Almunia has Eurozone bailout plan (Euractiv) It's the Europhiles versus reality, and reality is going to win (Telegraph) Fed's Bernanke fears stagnation (BBC) US banks may need more…

Things worth reading: 3rd March 2009

Things we're reading today include: HSBC joins ranks of the mortals (Guardian) City boss 'referred to female staff as prostitutes', tribunal hears (Telegraph) Interview: Sir John Gieve discusses his time at the Bank (Times) BofA chief calls Merrill aid ‘mistake’ (Financial Times) Robert Peston on China's Prospects (BBC) World markets tank as investors take fright…

Things worth reading: 3rd March 2009

Things we're reading today include: HSBC joins ranks of the mortals (Guardian) City boss 'referred to female staff as prostitutes', tribunal hears (Telegraph) Interview: Sir John Gieve discusses his time at the Bank (Times) BofA chief calls Merrill aid ‘mistake’ (Financial Times) Robert Peston on China's Prospects (BBC) World markets tank as investors take fright…

Things worth reading: 2nd March 2009

Today's news headlines are dominated by HSBC's results, which show profits down 62% and a rights issue of $17 billion (£12.5 billion) at a discount on the share price of almost half (shares closed at £4.91 on Friday and the rights issue is 5 shares for every 12 at £2.54).  The result is the HSBC's…

Things worth reading: 2nd March 2009

Today's news headlines are dominated by HSBC's results, which show profits down 62% and a rights issue of $17 billion (£12.5 billion) at a discount on the share price of almost half (shares closed at £4.91 on Friday and the rights issue is 5 shares for every 12 at £2.54).  The result is the HSBC's…

Things worth reading: 2nd March 2009

Today's news headlines are dominated by HSBC's results, which show profits down 62% and a rights issue of $17 billion (£12.5 billion) at a discount on the share price of almost half (shares closed at £4.91 on Friday and the rights issue is 5 shares for every 12 at £2.54).  The result is the HSBC's…

Things worth reading: 1st March 2009

Things we're reading on 1st March 2009: Banks flock to Mandelson's £10bn fund (The Telegraph) State-funded banks face tax-avoidance inquiry (The TImes) HSBC takes £17bn hit on bad loans (The Times) HSBC to raise £12bn in rights issue (The Telegraph) HBOS ex-chief executive eyes US financial services job (The Independent) Gordon Brown insists the European…

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