Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


The Future of UK Regulation (FSA Speech)

Margaret Cole, Interim Managing Director, Conduct Business Unit at the Financial Services Authority (FSA), gave a great speech at the Financial Services Club last week.  Margaret's Conduct Business Unit will become the Financial Conduct Authority in 2013, when the Financial Services Authority splits into two units. Everyone is interested to know what this means, but the…


Banks wasting billions on inefficient clearing

So the morning continues with the innotribe team discussing digital identities, with contributions from a wide range of folks, including: Azeem Azhar, CEO, Peerindex Scott David, Partner, K&L Gates LLP Tony Fish, Founder/CEO, AMF Ventures Mary Hodder, Chair, Personal Data Ecosystem Consortium Michael Ouliel, Founder and CEO, Ripples HLS Group Drummond Reed, Chairman and Chief Trust Officer, Connect.Me; Co-Chair, OASIS XRI…


Banks wasting billions on inefficient clearing

So the morning continues with the innotribe team discussing digital identities, with contributions from a wide range of folks, including: Azeem Azhar, CEO, Peerindex Scott David, Partner, K&L Gates LLP Tony Fish, Founder/CEO, AMF Ventures Mary Hodder, Chair, Personal Data Ecosystem Consortium Michael Ouliel, Founder and CEO, Ripples HLS Group Drummond Reed, Chairman and Chief Trust Officer, Connect.Me; Co-Chair, OASIS XRI…


The similarities between banks and landmines

Last night I was presenting to the MAG-net group. MAG-net is the networking group in the City for the Mines Advisory Group, MAG, a charity supported by the Financial Services Club and others that clears areas of mines so that schools, villages and life can continue as it should in post-war territories. They invited me…

Goldman sachs

Bickers over Vickers: the right stuff?

So the Vickers Report has finally crept out into the wilderness. All 358 pages of it. Half of it talks about how to increase the competitiveness of banking and the other half about what to do if a bank fails in another crisis. The latter has garnered all the news headlines, whist the former has…


Release: 2011 Survey on the Health of European Payments

Survey reveals that SEPA and the PSD are progressing but liquidity risk needs addressing Research finds liquidity risk is a major potential exposure for the future and calls for more automation The Financial Services Club and Logica revealed the results of their annual research into the state of play in European Payments and the progress of…

Release: 2011 Survey on the Health of European Payments

Survey reveals that SEPA and the PSD are progressing but liquidity risk needs addressing Research finds liquidity risk is a major potential exposure for the future and calls for more automation The Financial Services Club and Logica revealed the results of their annual research into the state of play in European Payments and the progress of…

Bribery, corruption and banking

I’m sitting in a restaurant the other day, and hear the following conversation … Banker One: “So what’s this Bribery Act thingamajig?” Banker Two: “New Law.  Came into force July 1st.” mnum, yum, mnum. Banker One: “Yea, I know that”, mnum yum. “I meant what does it mean?” Banker Two: glug, glug.  “Can’t take a bung…

The real rip-off culture … is not Wonga? Part Two

One of the more outspoken reactions to my post on payday firms came from Wonga. Not surprising as my original headline was that “Wonga will wrestle with regulators”, and they will as the markets are pretty unregulated today.   A point I made last Friday.  I also mentioned last Friday that the original reason I wrote…


The real rip-off culture … is not Wonga? Part Two

One of the more outspoken reactions to my post on payday firms came from Wonga. Not surprising as my original headline was that “Wonga will wrestle with regulators”, and they will as the markets are pretty unregulated today.   A point I made last Friday.  I also mentioned last Friday that the original reason I wrote…


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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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