Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


The real rip-off culture? Part One

Further to my write-up about Wonga the other day, I have been contacted by author and campaigner Steve Perry, who has been on the wrong side of the payday loans industry. Now don’t get me wrong.  I am NOT against payday loans firms or their operations (I actually admire Wonga's technology ops).  I AM against the…

PayDay UK

The real rip-off culture? Part One

Further to my write-up about Wonga the other day, I have been contacted by author and campaigner Steve Perry, who has been on the wrong side of the payday loans industry. Now don’t get me wrong.  I am NOT against payday loans firms or their operations (I actually admire Wonga's technology ops).  I AM against the…

PayDay UK

Shocker: Skinner thinks EBA stress tests not worthwhile

In my usual quiet way, I was interviewed by Bloomberg last Thursday in anticipation of the European Banking Authority (EBA), previously the Committee of European Bank Supervisors (CEBS), about the forthcoming stress tests released on Friday. Last year, these tests were quite laughable and this year I expected more of the same. Here's the whole…

Volcker versus Vickers, Round One

Paul Volcker’s in town and he’s been everywhere! He popped up on Bloomberg, and “said the pace of financial-regulatory reform has slowed ‘to the point of ineffectiveness’ because of the complex work needed and resistance of lobby groups.” He made a few comments on Reuters, and said “there are limits as to how much more (the Federal Reserve)…

Is this the end of the euro?

For the past two years, we have performed a major survey around the euro and the Eurozone, and how the developments of the infrastructures to support this is changing. The survey for 2011 is now live and looks at the world after the PSD and SEPA, particularly the implications of the end of the euro,…

Is this the end of the euro?

For the past two years, we have performed a major survey around the euro and the Eurozone, and how the developments of the infrastructures to support this is changing. The survey for 2011 is now live and looks at the world after the PSD and SEPA, particularly the implications of the end of the euro,…

Robin Hood or Robin Banks?

For a long while now the Tobin Tax, or Robin Hood Tax, has been discussed. It's been heavily promoted by sympathisers such as Richard Curtis and his luvvies mob, but has yet to gain serious traction in Parliament or amongst the G20. Nevertheless, it now looks like a Tobin Tax will be a reality as…

Robin Hood or Robin Banks?

For a long while now the Tobin Tax, or Robin Hood Tax, has been discussed. It's been heavily promoted by sympathisers such as Richard Curtis and his luvvies mob, but has yet to gain serious traction in Parliament or amongst the G20. Nevertheless, it now looks like a Tobin Tax will be a reality as…

Lloyd’s branch sell off … what a load of Verde

I was talking about lots of things yesterday but one conversation sticks in my mind more than any other: who will Lloyds sell their branches to? This is all wrapped up in a debate with the European Commission dating back to 2008, when the UK government flouted competition rules to approve the emergency merger of…


Lloyd’s branch sell off … what a load of Verde

I was talking about lots of things yesterday but one conversation sticks in my mind more than any other: who will Lloyds sell their branches to? This is all wrapped up in a debate with the European Commission dating back to 2008, when the UK government flouted competition rules to approve the emergency merger of…


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