Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Wipe out market makers = best execution

Yesterday I wrote about the concept of banks being barred from betting on the bonds and equities markets. “Own account” trading disappears and the only folks who can “speculate” are those with their own chips to play in the game: the private equity, sovereign wealth, high net wroth assets and their asset managers who back…

Casino capitalism: only for those who can afford the chips

For some time there’s been debate about whether Vickers or Volcker is the right way to go. Should investment banks be divided from their retailing and commercial siblings by a fence, or completely separated so that one cannot poison the other? Should banks be allowed to play in the markets off their own account, or…

Casino capitalism: only for those who can afford the chips

For some time there’s been debate about whether Vickers or Volcker is the right way to go. Should investment banks be divided from their retailing and commercial siblings by a fence, or completely separated so that one cannot poison the other? Should banks be allowed to play in the markets off their own account, or…

How will the world look post-crisis?

I’ve been debating some future presentations with various folks today, and a little ray of light went off in my head. The light was triggered by a comment: “can you talk about what impact regulatory change may have on bank to corporate relationships using examples historically?” The question was really asking about the unintended impact…


How will the world look post-crisis?

I’ve been debating some future presentations with various folks today, and a little ray of light went off in my head. The light was triggered by a comment: “can you talk about what impact regulatory change may have on bank to corporate relationships using examples historically?” The question was really asking about the unintended impact…


Banker commits murder and gets away with it

A year ago, the FSA issued a short 298-word statement saying that after an extensive 17 month investigation into the collapse of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), no action would be taken against Sir Fred Goodwin or others. There was a general outcry, so much so that after initially dismissing any indepth report, they…

Banker commits murder and gets away with it

A year ago, the FSA issued a short 298-word statement saying that after an extensive 17 month investigation into the collapse of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), no action would be taken against Sir Fred Goodwin or others. There was a general outcry, so much so that after initially dismissing any indepth report, they…

As my SEPA gently weeps …

I hosted a dinner last night with a focus upon developments with SEPA and innovation. What innovations has SEPA introduced? Long silence. To be honest, there are some – the ability to cash concentrate direct debits into the most efficient countries using SDDs (SEPA Direct Debits) for example –but the list is real short. We…

As my SEPA gently weeps …

I hosted a dinner last night with a focus upon developments with SEPA and innovation. What innovations has SEPA introduced? Long silence. To be honest, there are some – the ability to cash concentrate direct debits into the most efficient countries using SDDs (SEPA Direct Debits) for example –but the list is real short. We…

The Future of UK Regulation (FSA Speech)

Margaret Cole, Interim Managing Director, Conduct Business Unit at the Financial Services Authority (FSA), gave a great speech at the Financial Services Club last week.  Margaret's Conduct Business Unit will become the Financial Conduct Authority in 2013, when the Financial Services Authority splits into two units. Everyone is interested to know what this means, but the…


Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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