Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Using video as evidence of compliance

Tomorrow, there's an interesting little conference called "AV in the City" down at Canary Wharf. Not your usual event as it's all about multimedia projectors and CCTV for banks and financial firms. I got roped into it as one of my strong beliefs is in using video for finance, as mentioned before, and TANDBERG is…

Using video as evidence of compliance

Tomorrow, there's an interesting little conference called "AV in the City" down at Canary Wharf. Not your usual event as it's all about multimedia projectors and CCTV for banks and financial firms. I got roped into it as one of my strong beliefs is in using video for finance, as mentioned before, and TANDBERG is…

A new EU regulatory structure

There's a conference in Brussels over the last two days looking at moving towards a new supervisory architecture across Europe.   This follows on from the de Larosière report in February and Charlie McCrrevy has announced a variety of changes in EU regulatory structures. In one speech, Mr. McCreevy reinforces the need for the 5% rule…

A new EU regulatory structure

There's a conference in Brussels over the last two days looking at moving towards a new supervisory architecture across Europe.   This follows on from the de Larosière report in February and Charlie McCrrevy has announced a variety of changes in EU regulatory structures. In one speech, Mr. McCreevy reinforces the need for the 5% rule…

Insider Trading and Twitter

I wondered recently about the potential of market abuse in new social media.  This was inspired by an April Fool from the Insurance Post, which had the headline: "FSA proposes ban on social networking sites". "The Financial Services Authority has called for a ban of social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook for all…


Insider Trading and Twitter

I wondered recently about the potential of market abuse in new social media.  This was inspired by an April Fool from the Insurance Post, which had the headline: "FSA proposes ban on social networking sites". "The Financial Services Authority has called for a ban of social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook for all…


Look deep into my dark pools

It’s a line I’ve wanted to use in conversation for a long-time but never found the opportunity and now here it is: “look deep into my dark pools”. No, I haven’t made a mess or done something socially unacceptable.  I’m just looking at the latest trading phenomena where buyers can place large trades into a…

Look deep into my dark pools

It’s a line I’ve wanted to use in conversation for a long-time but never found the opportunity and now here it is: “look deep into my dark pools”. No, I haven’t made a mess or done something socially unacceptable.  I’m just looking at the latest trading phenomena where buyers can place large trades into a…

MTFs versus Incumbent Exchanges, Round Two

As mentioned yesterday Andrew Silverman, Managing Director Electronic Trading for Morgan Stanley, chaired the second day session’s at TradeTech with a great dialogue about attracting liquidity between the new exchanges, the Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTFs) created by the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID), and the incumbents. This led to a second discussion of the…

MTFs versus Incumbent Exchanges, Round One

There were two more great discussions during TradeTech that compared and contrasted the incumbents with the new MTFs. The first focused upon attracting liquidity and what that means; the second on the likely view for the future of trading venues. The first discussion was a debate amongst a panel comprising: Hirander Misra, COO, Chi-X Europe;…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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