Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


California Blocks Skinner’s Identity Plans

Just after Finextra publish my thought piece on the future method of authentication being RFID style chip implants inside humans, which I’ve blogged about before btw as I do truly believe it will happen, the Los Angeles Times broke the news that the Terminator’s State of California doesn’t like my vision and have banned RFID…

Systemic risk: watch out it’s all around you

    Y’know there’s been quite a lot of discussion about the systemic risks in the market right now, particularly in light of the sub-prime issues.  I’ve blogged about this a few times already, from hedge fund pressures through to algo technology explosions, but I purposely avoided too much discussion of the US sub-prime market…

Systemic risk: watch out it’s all around you

    Y’know there’s been quite a lot of discussion about the systemic risks in the market right now, particularly in light of the sub-prime issues.  I’ve blogged about this a few times already, from hedge fund pressures through to algo technology explosions, but I purposely avoided too much discussion of the US sub-prime market…

Did anyone notice AMEX’s sixty-five million dollar mess

I was intrigued to see the lack of headlines about American Express this month, especially as they were fined $65 million by the US Department of Justice the other day.  I only caught the news hidden in a US notice about banking matters.  Although it did get a little coverage in America, it wasn’t in…

Did anyone notice AMEX’s sixty-five million dollar mess

I was intrigued to see the lack of headlines about American Express this month, especially as they were fined $65 million by the US Department of Justice the other day.  I only caught the news hidden in a US notice about banking matters.  Although it did get a little coverage in America, it wasn’t in…

Will the Boat float and more MiFID FAQs

Intriguing news about our anticipated new trade reporting services, with one of my City friends asking if Project Boat will float whilst another tells me Yellow Submarine is already sunk. Project Boat is the trade reporting service being launched by Europe’s largest investment banks in response to MiFID, and was a major news item when…

Still no plans for MiFID in Spain

The International Monetary Fund has just issued their analysis of what’s going on in European financial markets (64 page pdf), with a particular focus on MiFID. Here’s a summary of the key headline impacts of MiFID in their view: the new environment created by MiFID could trigger drastic changes in the architecture of capital markets…

FSA Fall Short on Investor Protection — WSJ

The FSA’s principle-based approach to regulation has won it a lot of favorable attention in the US. Leave it to the Wall Street Journal to weigh in with criticism for its failure to protect individual shareholders in the UK. The Journal sees the FSA as trying to protect the London marketplace rather than the individual…

FSA Fall Short on Investor Protection — WSJ

The FSA’s principle-based approach to regulation has won it a lot of favorable attention in the US. Leave it to the Wall Street Journal to weigh in with criticism for its failure to protect individual shareholders in the UK. The Journal sees the FSA as trying to protect the London marketplace rather than the individual…

FSA Fall Short on Investor Protection — WSJ

The FSA’s principle-based approach to regulation has won it a lot of favorable attention in the US. Leave it to the Wall Street Journal to weigh in with criticism for its failure to protect individual shareholders in the UK. The Journal sees the FSA as trying to protect the London marketplace rather than the individual…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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