Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Survey 2011

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Survey 2011

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Video makes the Bank Naked

I have a few regular themes I explore about future banking, such as videobanking, social finances, chip-based future payments strategies and so on.  This was something I spent most of yesterday discussing with a group of Japanese bankers who were visiting London, followed by a great debate at the Financial Services Club last night entitled:…

Video makes the Bank Naked

I have a few regular themes I explore about future banking, such as videobanking, social finances, chip-based future payments strategies and so on.  This was something I spent most of yesterday discussing with a group of Japanese bankers who were visiting London, followed by a great debate at the Financial Services Club last night entitled:…

Video makes the Bank Naked

I have a few regular themes I explore about future banking, such as videobanking, social finances, chip-based future payments strategies and so on.  This was something I spent most of yesterday discussing with a group of Japanese bankers who were visiting London, followed by a great debate at the Financial Services Club last night entitled:…

And you thought the credit crunch was bad …

Catching up with all the news today, and someone sent me a link to this video: It’s basically a simulation of what would happen if the Earth was hit by a large meteor. Watch with care as it may be a real downer for many of you. For me, it’s really cheered me up, as…

And you thought the credit crunch was bad …

Catching up with all the news today, and someone sent me a link to this video: It’s basically a simulation of what would happen if the Earth was hit by a large meteor. Watch with care as it may be a real downer for many of you. For me, it’s really cheered me up, as…

London Stock Exchange down today

The bad news today is that the LSE cannot trade.  Whoops!  Their website shows that they haven’t traded since 9:07 this morning due to connectivity issues, and they’re still struggling to get back online at lunchtime. The TradElect platform, that major £40 million investment vehicle, may be playing up.  And all this happens on one…

London Stock Exchange down today

The bad news today is that the LSE cannot trade.  Whoops!  Their website shows that they haven’t traded since 9:07 this morning due to connectivity issues, and they’re still struggling to get back online at lunchtime. The TradElect platform, that major £40 million investment vehicle, may be playing up.  And all this happens on one…

London Stock Exchange down today

The bad news today is that the LSE cannot trade.  Whoops!  Their website shows that they haven’t traded since 9:07 this morning due to connectivity issues, and they’re still struggling to get back online at lunchtime. The TradElect platform, that major £40 million investment vehicle, may be playing up.  And all this happens on one…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Kids creating the future bank | TEDxAthens

Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser