Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Microsoft’s internal Vista docs released by law

A friend of mine sent me this link last week, having seen how annoyed I’ve been about Windows Vista.  It’s a link to internal memos from Microsoft SVP’s and other senior staff in Q1 2007, airing the same issues I had with Vista.  It’s slow.  Graphics and software and peripherals aren’t working, etc, etc. I…

I’m sorry, you are firewalled out

I regularly run workshops on the future of banking. Part of the workshop explores the implications of virtual worlds and social networking on bank services, and what the world of banking might look like five years from now as a result.   Yep, you guessed it, we talk about Entropia, Second Life, Habbo Hotel and Club…

I’m sorry, you are firewalled out

I regularly run workshops on the future of banking. Part of the workshop explores the implications of virtual worlds and social networking on bank services, and what the world of banking might look like five years from now as a result.   Yep, you guessed it, we talk about Entropia, Second Life, Habbo Hotel and Club…

I’m sorry, you are firewalled out

I regularly run workshops on the future of banking. Part of the workshop explores the implications of virtual worlds and social networking on bank services, and what the world of banking might look like five years from now as a result.   Yep, you guessed it, we talk about Entropia, Second Life, Habbo Hotel and Club…

Freeconomics and the bank with naked women

There were plenty of great stories released over the last week.  We had the Liechtenstein stuff and more on Northern Rock with the near £50 billion exposure to Granite … but there were two stories that just made me smile so they have to be logged here. The first was the socialist who decided to…

The end of Indian outsourcing

Forbes reports today that India’s competitive advantage for offshore services is disappearing fast as wage demands mean that services are now 66% cheaper for US and European firms in India, compared with 84% a few years ago.  As wage demands increase, it can only be a matter of time they say, where it will cost…

Banks have no idea how to cross-sell

An interesting little survey came out this month, looking at the fact that banks do not cross-sell effectively through their call centres. The truth is that most banks do not cross-sell effectively full stop.  I have had the pitch from the teller in the branch who asks me whether I would be interested in a…

Banks have no idea how to cross-sell

An interesting little survey came out this month, looking at the fact that banks do not cross-sell effectively through their call centres. The truth is that most banks do not cross-sell effectively full stop.  I have had the pitch from the teller in the branch who asks me whether I would be interested in a…

Problems at Abbey due to core systems upgrade

I mentioned the other day that Middle Eastern banks were upgrading core systems in six months whilst, in the UK, the last major upgrade I’ve been aware of is that of the retail bank, Abbey.  Abbey are changing core systems to implement those consistent with their Spanish owners, Grupo Santander, who bought Abbey in 2004….

Chi-x is now seven percent of LSE’s volumes

Seeing this story about the impact that MarkitBOAT is having upon traditional data reporting, I received a heads-up from Chi-x, the alternative exchange launched by Instinet in April last year, that they traded 7% of equity volumes of the LSE yesterday.  Q4 trading stats show that Chi-x’s number of trades were 2,401,856, up 121%; share…

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser