Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Chi-x is now seven percent of LSE’s volumes

Seeing this story about the impact that MarkitBOAT is having upon traditional data reporting, I received a heads-up from Chi-x, the alternative exchange launched by Instinet in April last year, that they traded 7% of equity volumes of the LSE yesterday.  Q4 trading stats show that Chi-x’s number of trades were 2,401,856, up 121%; share…

Fascinating new phone service: Ribbit

Just found this website for a soon to be launched integrated mobile-internet service called Ribbit.   It’s a method of having your mobile leave messages that are transcribed and stored on the internet for you to access anywhere and return call using Skype or whatever.  The video is particularly worth watching from the home page…

Fascinating new phone service: Ribbit

Just found this website for a soon to be launched integrated mobile-internet service called Ribbit.   It’s a method of having your mobile leave messages that are transcribed and stored on the internet for you to access anywhere and return call using Skype or whatever.  The video is particularly worth watching from the home page…

Fascinating new phone service: Ribbit

Just found this website for a soon to be launched integrated mobile-internet service called Ribbit.   It’s a method of having your mobile leave messages that are transcribed and stored on the internet for you to access anywhere and return call using Skype or whatever.  The video is particularly worth watching from the home page…

Microsoft-SAP would be Oracle’s worst nightmare

Just as Apple make their money out of being consumer friendly, Microsoft make theirs by being business friendly.  This is why it intrigues me that they are trying to buy Yahoo! to compete with Google.  This is a consumer-focused play and the New York Times thinks it is completely the wrong strategy.  Randall Stross of…

What is ‘value add’?

I’ve been hung up with office bingo for years and hate it when you hear words and phrases like scenario, paradigm shift and value-added.  The reason is that the phrases are meaningless buzzwords that people throw out to sound intelligent but often just sound like a complete pratt. "Oh yes, let’s run this scenario up…

What is ‘value add’?

I’ve been hung up with office bingo for years and hate it when you hear words and phrases like scenario, paradigm shift and value-added.  The reason is that the phrases are meaningless buzzwords that people throw out to sound intelligent but often just sound like a complete pratt. "Oh yes, let’s run this scenario up…

Where did all of Northern Rock’s customers go?

Once news has broken, it becomes an avalanche. Jerome Kerviel loses €5 billion … 7,000 news items later and it’s old news. Credit Suisse panned over an unexpected $2.85 billion write-down … 2,000 new items later and it’s old news. Northern Rock goes down the toilet, can’t find a buyer and is nationalised … yep,…

Where did all of Northern Rock’s customers go?

Once news has broken, it becomes an avalanche. Jerome Kerviel loses €5 billion … 7,000 news items later and it’s old news. Credit Suisse panned over an unexpected $2.85 billion write-down … 2,000 new items later and it’s old news. Northern Rock goes down the toilet, can’t find a buyer and is nationalised … yep,…

The Banking Jungle Book: Wolves, Lions and Chickens

Over the weekend, there were lots of references to animals in banking.    It started with the Financial Times discussing the issues of Jerome Kerviel and the fact that traditional commercial bankers should stay out of investment banking.  In this context, it refers to most bankers as chickens, whilst investment bankers are like a pride…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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