Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


The Banking Jungle Book: Wolves, Lions and Chickens

Over the weekend, there were lots of references to animals in banking.    It started with the Financial Times discussing the issues of Jerome Kerviel and the fact that traditional commercial bankers should stay out of investment banking.  In this context, it refers to most bankers as chickens, whilst investment bankers are like a pride…

The Banking Jungle Book: Wolves, Lions and Chickens

Over the weekend, there were lots of references to animals in banking.    It started with the Financial Times discussing the issues of Jerome Kerviel and the fact that traditional commercial bankers should stay out of investment banking.  In this context, it refers to most bankers as chickens, whilst investment bankers are like a pride…

Facebook, MySpace and Bebo have a hiccup

Maybe all the talk of Facebook’s privacy policies being a concern are finally having an impact on people networking online as Facebook had it’s first drop in usage in January.  According to Nielsen’s ratings, the number of unique visitors in Britain fell from 8.9 million people in December 2007 to 8.5 million in January 2008. …

Where’s the best place to head office the bank?

"Where’s the best place to head office the bank?" is a question asked regularly by folks like HSBC, and the answer may be quite surprising. Obviously, key contenders would be London, Paris, Frankfurt, New York, Chicago, Sydney, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore … in fact, any of these could be appropriate.  Most banks decide based upon…

Where’s the best place to head office the bank?

"Where’s the best place to head office the bank?" is a question asked regularly by folks like HSBC, and the answer may be quite surprising. Obviously, key contenders would be London, Paris, Frankfurt, New York, Chicago, Sydney, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore … in fact, any of these could be appropriate.  Most banks decide based upon…

George W Bush: Fascist Dictator?

I was prodded to look at this broadcast from Valentine’s Day by Keith Olbermann, anchor for MSNBC in the US of A.  Mr. Olbermann is a highly articulate chappie and is obviously a little angry with Mr. Bush over the FISA Bill.  This Bill would have allowed the National Security Agency (NSA) to tap into…

The Britney Exchange

Due to the voracity of the stock markets and traders looking for new ways to wheel and deal, we will soon be trading in things we never thought of trading before.    For example, I was intrigued that Britney Spears has her own economy.  The poor lass, who is being hounded by the paparazzi to…

Changing core systems in under six months

Another amazing area of change in the Middle East is the speed with which the banks can change core systems.  Many of the banks here have changed their core systems to offer improved wealth management services combined with Shari’ah compliant products.  This became clear when one of the keynote presenters asked the audience: “How many…

A different look at Stock Exchange technologies …

    There were a number of good presentations at my Middle Eastern conference, but the one that stood out was from the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) in Jordan.  Their CIO, Mohammad Hisham Al Khatib, presented their approach to technology and business continuity.  He’s been voted CIO of the year in the region by the…

A different look at Stock Exchange technologies …

    There were a number of good presentations at my Middle Eastern conference, but the one that stood out was from the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) in Jordan.  Their CIO, Mohammad Hisham Al Khatib, presented their approach to technology and business continuity.  He’s been voted CIO of the year in the region by the…

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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