Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


The Changing Face of Payments 2013

In late 2012, the Financial Services Club conducted a survey of 450 financial services professionals, in collaboration with VocaLink and Cognizant about the state of the world's payment-processing infrastructures and where it's heading.  This report presents and examines the results of  this research in three main areas: The current state of payment infrastructures and the…

Fixing Our Banks: Part Four – the Employee’s View

Following on from dialogue about the bank and shareholder views, the employee’s view of fixing our banks was presented by Dominic Hook, Head of the Finance and Legal Sector for the Unite union.  There was plenty of bluff and bluster in this speech, picking up particularly on the headlines about bankers bonuses and fat cat pay,…

Evening standard

Fixing Our Banks: Part Four – the Employee’s View

Following on from dialogue about the bank and shareholder views, the employee’s view of fixing our banks was presented by Dominic Hook, Head of the Finance and Legal Sector for the Unite union.  There was plenty of bluff and bluster in this speech, picking up particularly on the headlines about bankers bonuses and fat cat pay,…

Evening standard

Fixing Our Banks: Part Three – the Shareholder’s View

Last week, I introduced a discussion about Fixing Our Banks.  This is based upon a distinguished panel who each gave a perspective covering bank, shareholder, employee, customer and auditor’s views of how to fix the banking system. Yesterday, I gave you the banks view from Charles Middleton, Managing Director of Triodos Bank and a career…

Fixing Our Banks: Part Three – the Shareholder’s View

Last week, I introduced a discussion about Fixing Our Banks.  This is based upon a distinguished panel who each gave a perspective covering bank, shareholder, employee, customer and auditor’s views of how to fix the banking system. Yesterday, I gave you the banks view from Charles Middleton, Managing Director of Triodos Bank and a career…

Fixing Our Banks: Part One

Another day another conference, this one was about “Fixing our banks – what to fix for whom?” at South Bank University. There was a decent turnout of students and academics, and a panel providing a multidisciplinary view from auditors, customers, shareholders and employees perspectives, along with my own. I opened the proceedings and said something…

Evening standard

Fixing Our Banks: Part One

Another day another conference, this one was about “Fixing our banks – what to fix for whom?” at South Bank University. There was a decent turnout of students and academics, and a panel providing a multidisciplinary view from auditors, customers, shareholders and employees perspectives, along with my own. I opened the proceedings and said something…

Evening standard

Things worth reading: 7th March 2013

Things we're reading today include … Millions left without money as RBS systems crash King challenges Osborne to break up RBS for the sake of the economy Good bank, bad bank: split RBS or it'll never sell, warns Mervyn King Royal Bank of Scotland should be broken up, says Mervyn King Sir Mervyn King: there…

Things worth reading: 7th March 2013

Things we're reading today include … Millions left without money as RBS systems crash King challenges Osborne to break up RBS for the sake of the economy Good bank, bad bank: split RBS or it'll never sell, warns Mervyn King Royal Bank of Scotland should be broken up, says Mervyn King Sir Mervyn King: there…

How to Avoid Digging Up the Road More Than Once

PRESS RELEASE FROM THE FINANCIAL SERVICES CLUB, 5th March 2013 An industry group supported by the Financial Services Club is harnessing the power of ‘crowdsourcing’ and social networks to generate a list of the regulatory issues most likely to cause firms to have to “dig up the road more than once”.  The imminent split of…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser