Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Should a bank be called a bank

After Richard Branson's Virgin Money successfully acquired Northern Rock, loads has been written about the takeover. Much has been negative, saying that the Chancellor did a bad deal and ‘gifting’ the bank to Virgin, losing £400 million in the process. A lot of other dialogue has been positive, saying that the Chancellor got fair value…


Risk is not a discipline, it’s an attitude

One of the panels at the trading technologies show that I chaired was all about pre- and post- trade risk, and the impact of real-time risk management. We were meant to talk about real-time risk, what it would mean, the ability to be able to see credit, market and liquidity risk across counterparties, asset classes…


A Hugh MacLeod, Gaping Void special

At this year's SIBOS, the cartoonist Hugh MacLeod appeared etching and sketching. Hugh is a humourous guy who runs the website Gaping Void that gets over two million unique visitors monthly. I was lucky enough to have Hugh produce a work of humour for the Financial Services Club and the Finanser blog so, here it…

The Bible says bankers’ bonuses are OK …

I was listening to a sermon yesterday. The sermon quoted a lengthy section of the Gospel according to Matthew, where three servants are given their master’s wealth to look after whilst he is on travels. Two of the servants increase their master’s wealth, whilst one digs a hole and buries it.  The latter doesn’t like…

A big know know

I’m no expert on such matters, but a friend of mine was talking about different tools for different times and how they use certain technologies for different services. In particular their interests are data visualisation techniques and how these can identify fraudulent activity or improve investment strategies. He equated it to the Donald Rumsfeld knowns…

Data management 2011

A big know know

I’m no expert on such matters, but a friend of mine was talking about different tools for different times and how they use certain technologies for different services. In particular their interests are data visualisation techniques and how these can identify fraudulent activity or improve investment strategies. He equated it to the Donald Rumsfeld knowns…

Data management 2011

Seeing the wood for the tree branches (again)

We had a discussion last night about branchless banking, with two retail bank leaders telling me I was wrong about the idea. The argument was not actually about the concept of branchless banking, but less branch banking.  Even so, these retail bankers feel adamantly that the average human being wants a branch to bank. I…

Old TSB branch

Seeing the wood for the tree branches (again)

We had a discussion last night about branchless banking, with two retail bank leaders telling me I was wrong about the idea. The argument was not actually about the concept of branchless banking, but less branch banking.  Even so, these retail bankers feel adamantly that the average human being wants a branch to bank. I…

Old TSB branch

Jim O’Neill on the BRICs – the next decade

Just tweeted to our friends in the #OccupyLSE group – that’s Occupy the London Stock Exchange (LSE) for those who are not aware of the protest outside the LSE at St Paul’s – that I attended a meeting at the London Stock Exchange this morning. Yes, I occupied the LSE! Well, just for an hour in…

Jim O'neill

Jim O’Neill on the BRICs – the next decade

Just tweeted to our friends in the #OccupyLSE group – that’s Occupy the London Stock Exchange (LSE) for those who are not aware of the protest outside the LSE at St Paul’s – that I attended a meeting at the London Stock Exchange this morning. Yes, I occupied the LSE! Well, just for an hour in…

Jim O'neill

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser