Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

Case Studies

Tesco, Virgin, O2 and all … we don’t want your banks

Marketing week ran a fascinating survey of British citizens last month and their views about banking. The results find that most people don’t trust trusted brands with their money, and would rather stick with the banks. The survey sampled 1,716 UK adults and asked a series of questions, including… Which, if any, of the following…


Tesco, Virgin, O2 and all … we don’t want your banks

Marketing week ran a fascinating survey of British citizens last month and their views about banking. The results find that most people don’t trust trusted brands with their money, and would rather stick with the banks. The survey sampled 1,716 UK adults and asked a series of questions, including… Which, if any, of the following…


Banks bashing the banks

Guess what? Some banks don’t like other banks. Now that’s news isn’t it? Not really … until some banks start advertising how other banks are rubbish. Thanks to the Financial Brand, we’ve seen quite a lot of this in the USA where I’ve been following Jeffry’s regular posts about credit unions taking the mick out…

Feelings Mutual

Banks bashing the banks

Guess what? Some banks don’t like other banks. Now that’s news isn’t it? Not really … until some banks start advertising how other banks are rubbish. Thanks to the Financial Brand, we’ve seen quite a lot of this in the USA where I’ve been following Jeffry’s regular posts about credit unions taking the mick out…

Feelings Mutual

Banks bashing the banks

Guess what? Some banks don’t like other banks. Now that’s news isn’t it? Not really … until some banks start advertising how other banks are rubbish. Thanks to the Financial Brand, we’ve seen quite a lot of this in the USA where I’ve been following Jeffry’s regular posts about credit unions taking the mick out…

Feelings Mutual

The Mobile Financial Present

Yesterday, I presented the second in a series of webinars focusing upon Global Bank Trends. The first presentation looked at these trends generally.  You can watch and hear the hour-long webinar by clicking here or view and download the presentation: The second presentation focused upon trends in mobile financial services, and covers key developments in…


The Mobile Financial Future

There are loads of discussions about mobile financial services right now, not least at the Financial Services Club. For example, I recently received this presentation from Len Pienaar, CEO for First National Bank’s (FNB) mobile solutions in South Africa: Add this to the many other mobile financial stories and case studies reported already: ABSA (Mobile…

RBS mobile

The Mobile Financial Future

There are loads of discussions about mobile financial services right now, not least at the Financial Services Club. For example, I recently received this presentation from Len Pienaar, CEO for First National Bank’s (FNB) mobile solutions in South Africa: Add this to the many other mobile financial stories and case studies reported already: ABSA (Mobile…

RBS mobile

The Mobile Financial Future

There are loads of discussions about mobile financial services right now, not least at the Financial Services Club. For example, I recently received this presentation from Len Pienaar, CEO for First National Bank’s (FNB) mobile solutions in South Africa: Add this to the many other mobile financial stories and case studies reported already: ABSA (Mobile…

RBS mobile

Lloyds shareholders revolting? Yes they are!

I haven’t blogged about bank results for a while, but was asked by a few media folks today about Lloyds Banking Group, who have their major stand-off shareholders meeting tomorrow. This is going to be quite a major shindig as there all sorts of machinations going on: the Chairman is leaving; the CEO is under…


Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Global Awards

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Global 100 - 2024 Winner

Chris Skinner - Financial Markets Advisor of the Year - The Finanser - UK 2023

Best Financial Markets Advisor of the Year 2023

30 Best Regtech Blogs and Websites 2023

Kids creating the future bank | TEDxAthens

Captain Cake and the Candy Crew

Captain Cake Winner of a Golden Mom’s Choice Award


Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser