Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


The relationship between Bitcoin and Mount Everest

We were talking about Bitcoin yesterday at the Financial Services Club Vienna, and there was a great dialogue about the difficulties of buying and then using Bitcoins. I’ll talk more about the practicalities and details of that conversation later this week, but one thing did occur to me: Bitcoin, or something like it, will soon…

The challenge of being a Bitcoin trader

I spotted a blog entry by Tom Gullen this week regarding the challenges of being a Bitcoin company in the UK.  It is interesting, as I have heard the same issues with several other Bitcoin companies in Britain so I asked Tom if he'd mind me reproducing his blog entry here.  He said it's ok,…

Is banking being fundamentally disrupted by technology change? (#Sibos 3)

Another year, another SIBOS, but this one’s not the same. Yes, there are all the normal first morning frustrations: Where do I go? What time’s the next shuttle bus? Why the long queue to get in? Do you really have to shove your security buzzer up there? Why is the Wi-Fi so rubbish (2.4GHZ does…


Is banking being fundamentally disrupted by technology change? (#Sibos 3)

Another year, another SIBOS, but this one’s not the same. Yes, there are all the normal first morning frustrations: Where do I go? What time’s the next shuttle bus? Why the long queue to get in? Do you really have to shove your security buzzer up there? Why is the Wi-Fi so rubbish (2.4GHZ does…


That rocky rollercoaster called #Bitcoin

I keep thinking I should stop blogging about Bitcoin, as I’ve written so much about it already: Is Bitcoin the future of money … or are we smoking dope?  (October 2011) Bitcoin: immersive or subversive? (January 2012) You should take Bitcoin seriously (September 2012) A new currency payment system is about to explode (February 2013) The latest stats on…

Bitcoin amazon

That rocky rollercoaster called #Bitcoin

I keep thinking I should stop blogging about Bitcoin, as I’ve written so much about it already: Is Bitcoin the future of money … or are we smoking dope?  (October 2011) Bitcoin: immersive or subversive? (January 2012) You should take Bitcoin seriously (September 2012) A new currency payment system is about to explode (February 2013) The latest stats on…

Bitcoin amazon

The real cause of the Bitcoin bubble and burst

All the media has finally woken up to the Bitcoin phenomena when the value of Bitcoins rose from a steady $20 per coin to $266 last week … only to crash to $100 by the end of the week. What caused this? The general consensus is that the financial crisis in Cyprus, which led to…


A new currency payment system is about to explode

Before leaving the subject of , personalisation and virtualisation, there’s one last area that is worth delving into. This one came up when I was working on my latest iteration of the way in which money is evolving, and I have the firm belief that the exchange of value digitally will be as, if not…


A new currency payment system is about to explode

Before leaving the subject of , personalisation and virtualisation, there’s one last area that is worth delving into. This one came up when I was working on my latest iteration of the way in which money is evolving, and I have the firm belief that the exchange of value digitally will be as, if not…


Virtual currencies will explode thanks to mobile games

The European Central Bank (ECB) has just issued a report on Virtual Currency Schemes, with case studies on Second Life and Bitcoin (both previously covered in depth here). In the report, the ECB calls Bitcoin “the most successful — and probably most controversial — virtual currency scheme to date.” The ECB goes on to say that the…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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