Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

Digital Bank

Should Apple buy Goldman Sachs?

If you haven’t noticed recently, Apple has been making moves into money. They started with a partnership with Goldman Sachs to launch a credit card. More recently, they’ve launched Apple Pay Later, their BNPL (Buy Now Pay Later) service, and then a savings account offering 4.15 percent interest, 10x the national average in the USA….

The positives of being artificially intelligent

I often use this headline: An AI Completed 360,000 Hours of Finance Work in Just Seconds in my presentations. The story is about JPMorgan who automated the checking of commercial contract wording. The AI machine they deployed was so effective at saving time that they could layoff 1,500 lawyers. Is that a good thing? Equally,…

The main uses of AI in banking

The banking industry has always been at the forefront of adopting new technologies to improve its efficiency, effectiveness, and customer experience. In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer in the banking sector, transforming various aspects of banking operations, from customer service to risk management, and driving significant changes in the way…

How far are we from a world with only robots?

Some predict that, in the near future, the world will be run by AI robots, even Liverpool football team! The thing about AI is that it is only as good as the input it is given. For example, ChatGPT couldn’t give answers to any questions you ask it, without those answers being previously written by…

Are you who you say you are?

As an advocate of digitalisation, I am finding myself more and more conflicted these days. Apps don’t work; settings change; updates mess up my services; processes break and cannot be repaired without a reset; I can’t make a payment as there is no WiFi or mobile data; I can’t get home as FreeNow and Uber…

FinTech and the Future of Finance [World Bank report]

The World Bank released a free report the other day titled: FinTech and the Future of Finance. It’s an interesting read and I was going to summarise it, when I discovered on LinkedIn that my friend Richard Turrin had already done the job. Here you go: “The World Bank” delivers a great read on fintech and…

The embedded, invisible, intelligent bank

When a bank disappears from sight, can it still exist as a bank? The short answer is yes, in an invisible finance world. While I believe that banks and banking will not disappear, I do believe that most banks will. They won’t disappear completely, of course, they will just cease to be something we think…

Islamic finance, Zakat and Hawala

I once wrote a lot about Islamic finance, but haven’t been back there lately. I also used to write a lot about Hawala, but have also not written much lately. They are completely unrelated, except that both are popular in the Middle East, and both sit in my back pocket as examples of how to do…

LinkedIn banned me … here is why

I’ve had a few annoying digital instances recently. The first was a request to complete one-time password verfications … Just did an order online. First, my online retailer asked for a one-time password (OTP). Then my payment processor asked for another OTP. Then my bank asked for a third OTP. But, tbh, I don't mind….

The problem with digital identities

I was listening to a fascinating debate about identity authentication, and one of the speakers referenced the fact that it was only because Dutch jews registered their identities at the start of the Second World War that so many died. I had not heard about this and immediately started Googling. Sure enough 75 per cent…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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About Chris Skinner

The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser