The issue with Deutsche Bank
Is Deutsche Bank a scrambled egg of banking? I’ve talked about Deutsche Bank for some years. Originally with respect but, increasingly, with disdain. Most recently, I’ve used them as an illustration of a struggling bank, worth far less than an innovative start-up like Stripe. The most recent valuation of Deutsche Bank is that it is…
The Finanser’s Week: 9th November 2020 – 15th November 2020
The main blog discussions this week include … Why banks don’t die Have you noticed how people talk about disruption more and more, and note the collapse of companies like Blockbuster, Kodak, Nokia and Thomas Cook? In fact, there are more companies entering and leaving the stock market lists than ever before, with the average…
What do customers think?
I don’t usually cover press releases as they bore me, but this one caught my attention: Customer Online Conversations Reveal ‘All to Play for’ in Battle between Challengers and Incumbent Banks, Finds Economist Intelligence Unit Report Groundbreaking report by The Economist Intelligence Unit uses machine-learning to analyse over 10 million online conversations about personal…
So what would kill a bank?
Stumbling over an interesting article about bank consolidation in Europe, reminded me of Francisco Gonzalez’s (former Chair of BBVA) prediction that there’s only enough room for a maximum of fifty banks globally. I don’t believe either. As written about yesterday, banks don’t disappear. They don’t die. For over a quarter of a century, there’s been…
Why banks don’t die
Have you noticed how people talk about disruption more and more, and note the collapse of companies like Blockbuster, Kodak, Nokia and Thomas Cook? In fact, there are more companies entering and leaving the stock market lists than ever before, with the average tenancy now under two decades compared to six decades or more in…
What was the first record you ever bought?
I’m running a survey around how this crisis has impacted physical versus digital access to services – please take the survey: … and you will get a free copy of the results – but, building on the physical versus digital debate, it really hit me as I listened to a great debate on the…
The Finanser’s Week: 2nd November 2020 – 8th November 2020
The main blog discussions this week include … The impact of the US election on finance and FinTech No politics from my side here, but just reflecting on the politics of America. The US election – whatever your view of its process and outcome – leaves us with a different perspective on financial markets and,…