Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

The Finanser’s Week: 30th April 2018 – 6th May 2018

The main blog headlines are … Cryptocurrencies are not currencies I’ve been watching the rollercoaster ride of cryptocurrencies very carefully for the last year, and it only struck me today that these are not currencies … yet. Apart from a few novelty vendors and merchants who put bitcoin on their websites, I don’t see many…

Cryptocurrencies are not currencies

I’ve been watching the rollercoaster ride of cryptocurrencies very carefully for the last year, and it only struck me today that these are not currencies … yet. Apart from a few novelty vendors and merchants who put bitcoin on their websites, I don’t see many others accepting ether or XRP, and when I have tried…

Challenging DBS: how do you measure digital innovation?

My friend Emmanuel Daniel, founder and Chairman of The Asian Banker, ran an interesting video dialogue recently, in a near hour long interview with Chng Sok Hui, chief financial officer of DBS. The whole video, audio and transcript of the interview can be found over here, but I liked this edited abstract of the core…

Cash is not a good payment system … which is why we will get rid of it

I was recently interviewed by the highly innovative German bank Wirecard the other day, for their blog. They kindly said I replicate it on the Finanser, so here you go … by Leo Molatore April 19, 2018 In digital times, how can you make your business future-proof? Why are mobile payment adoption rates of…

The future of money (research report)

I just got a report from J Walter Thompson on the future of money and there’s some interesting facts and stats. Here are my headlines: 76% of millennials are looking for new forms of banking 40% of people in their twenties have downloaded a money management app 80% of millennials don’t invest in the stock…

Banks charged dead people fees for a decade

Everywhere around the world, I find politicians and bankers in dodgy practices. It’s because power and money go together. We’ve seen this clearly in EU and USA with LIBOR, CDOs, PPI, bribes, parties, prostitutes and more, and I was reminded of it when seeing a presentation the other day by Platon. Platon is a world-renowned…

The Finanser’s Week: 23rd April 2018 – 29th April 2018

The main blog headlines are … How do you manage your digital death? I just completed one of those things that none of us like doing, making a will. I recently had a major change of circumstances in my life, and decided that I should make appropriate updates and provisions. After all, who gets my…

How do you manage your digital death?

I just completed one of those things that none of us like doing, making a will. I recently had a major change of circumstances in my life, and decided that I should make appropriate updates and provisions. After all, who gets my Batman and Spiderman comics? Anyways, it’s been bugging me for a while that…

What is the worst thing a bank can do?

Banks are trusted guardians of our money. As long as our money is safe, then we trust them. It’s when our money is breached or lost that banks misbehave, which is why the 2008 financial crisis was so concerning. The run on Northern Rock and Bear Stearns were terrible moments but, in either case, neither…

Why techies laugh at finansers and vice versa

There’s a quote I’ve stolen off John Oliver that bitcoin combines everything you don’t understand about finance with everything you don’t understand about technology. It’s a great line, and considering banking and technology are probably some of the most complicated things in our world, one that hits the nail on the head: how many people…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser