Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

FinTech Unicorns: what’s the real number?

There are different views of what constitutes a FinTech Unicorn.  For example, Techcrunch lists just 20 (+1) FinTech Unicorns today: ANT Financial                         $60B (Feb 2017) Lufax                                    …

President Trump’s plans to replace Dodd-Frank

I see that Donald Trump is thinking about bringing back Glass-Steagall style laws to the US banks.  This would force the banks to separate and break up their operations between their investment bank and the retail and commercial bank structures.  It intrigues me that this is being considered 18 years after the law was repealed, but why…

What a load of COBOLx

I was inspired to think more about the legacy challenge in the legacy economies when I saw this article by the inimitable Anna Irrera (she’s worth following if you’re on twitter).  She was lamenting the state of US bank systems and how they’re hiring retired programmers just to keep the lights on.  What really struck…

America’s troubled regulatory regime laid bare by the OCC

I’m regularly blogging and talking about the legacy economy known as America.  This will irritate my American colleagues, but come on, which country still issues more checks (cheques) than the rest of the world combined?  Which country took a decade longer to get Chip & PIN than most?  Which country is still struggling to work…

The Finanser’s Week: 24th April – 30th April 2017

This week’s main blog headlines are … Why organisations resist innovation One of my good friends at 11FS referenced Conway’s Law the other day.  I wondered what it was, as I know Moore’s Law and the Law of Diminishing Returns in economics, but Conway’s Law?  What’s that? It’s a thesis created by Melvin E. Conway,…

Why organisations resist innovation

One of my good friends at 11FS referenced Conway’s Law the other day.  I wondered what it was, as I know Moore’s Law and the Law of Diminishing Returns in economics, but Conway’s Law?  What’s that? It’s a thesis created by Melvin E. Conway, a computer programmer, back in 1968 which states: Any organization that…

The Semantic bank

I have a keynote coming up on May 19 in Amsterdam with The Next Web, who I regularly write a column for now.  Here’s my latest one: I’m delighted to be speaking at TNW on May 19 in Amsterdam.  I wanted to talk about Digital Human, the theme of my next book, but the guys want me…

The Banking Revolution: Sink or Swim

I have a webinar on digital transformation at 12:00 GMT tomorrow (April 27) with Salesforce, and they kindly asked me to write a blog to introduce the subject matter.  Here it is: I regularly ask audiences at the conferences I speak at if they think we are going through an evolution or a revolution in banking….

A world without money

I have no academic papers or historical research view on what I’m about to post, although I will find some, but I was reflecting on my discussions of revolutions in humanity.  In particular, the second age of humankind, when we invented money as a control mechanism. Before this seismic change, money didn’t matter.  We shared beliefs…

What’s it like being unbanked?

I’ve just spent the last three weeks travelling around too many places to mention, including Germany, UAE, UK and three very different countries: Argentina, Colombia and Pakistan. Argentina is a huge and diverse country of over a million square miles, and a population of 40 million; Colombia is one of the world’s most ecologically diverse…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser