Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

A glimpse into the future, part four: the internet of everything

I’ve talked often and in depth about the internet of things and how this affects banking.  In the near future, when each of us has five, six, eight, ten things on the internet, we will be seeing a world where trillions of transactions take place amongst billions of things in real-time, not-stop and in very small…

A glimpse of the future, part three: the internet of things

We talk a lot about the Internet of Things (IoT) and have been for a while.  Most of us probably don’t see much of it yet.  OK, so we have a smartphone but what other smart things do you have?  Maybe if you’re in America, you have NEST, Alexa and a Tesla, so you’ve get…

A glimpse of the future, part two – 70 is the new 30

As mentioned yesterday, there’s a big question about what all of this means for financial service.  You may not have asked those questions but if life sciences allows people to live for 150 years or more; if babies can be born without defects; if you can design yourself to be whatever you want to be;…

A glimpse of the future, part one

I know I talk about banking and technology most of the time, but I also have other topics of interest.  Art, history, travel, fine wine … although I obviously look at them all from a banker’s point of view and wonder what it’s worth. All that said, one of the biggest areas of surprise in…

The Finanser’s Week: 24th October – 30th October 2016

The main blog posts this week are … A world turned on its head Back to London after almost a week in Vegas.  Amazed I’m still writing.  In fact, amazed to be alive as Vegas is one helluva weird old town. As I’m leaving, I’m struck by an observation that has occurred to me before,…

#Brexit: a positive force for change

Speaking of Walloons forcing a Byegium from the EU-Canada trade deal leads me to post this thoughtful email I received from Iain Bell, CEO of Quadrant Capital.  Iain gives a balanced alternative view to mine, and therefore it is worth a read… I have found your last couple of posts to be quite feisty in fact,…

A world turned on its head

Back to London after almost a week in Vegas.  Amazed I’m still writing.  In fact, amazed to be alive as Vegas is one helluva weird old town. As I’m leaving, I’m struck by an observation that has occurred to me before, but hit me big time this week.  Europe is boring.  America is dull.  The…

If the internet giants are the competition, are banks ready to compete?

Mid-way through #money2020 and in my fourth back-to-back chat about Fintech and leadership and core systems renewal and machine learning and and and … I am suddenly taken back to my roots.  My roots are firmly in data.  I guess that’s because I started in technology looking at office automation and workflow, process re-engineering and…

Jack Dorsey, Vitalik Buterin, Chris Skinner and all things #Money2020

It’s the end of the first full day of Money 20/20 2016, and it’s been a mixed day starting with a surprisingly packed room for my discussion with Moven, Simple and ING about digital banking. The story of the fish seemed popular (see last week’s blog). Banks are like this fish. @Chris_Skinner #Money2020 —…

Four banking business models for the digital age

I spotted a lengthy, but very insightful post, on LinkedIn the other day by Ben Robinson, Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer for Temenos.  I don’t usually highlight such pieces, but felt this worth replicating here, and Ben kindly agreed.  Enjoy … Four banking business models for the digital age Digitization of the banking industry is…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser