Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

The Finanser’s Week: 23rd May – 29th May 2016

Our main stories of this week includes … The future of banking, money and finance [Presentation] I’ve been presenting a summary of Digital Bank and ValueWeb for a few months now.  It is the story of the origins of moneykind and, as many have now heard the story, I thought it’s about time to share this on the blog. If you…

Should we stay or should we go? [#Brexit]

I chaired a really interesting debate yesterday between MP John Redwood and former MEP Baroness Sharon Bowles at the Association of UK Payments Institutions conference.  The discussion was should we stay or should we go, or the Brexit if you prefer. John Redwood has spent years as a Eurosceptic, standing against John Major in the…

The future of banking, money and finance [Presentation]

I’ve been presenting a summary of Digital Bank and ValueWeb for a few months now.  It is the story of the origins of moneykind and, as many have now heard the story, I thought it’s about time to share this on the blog. If you have half an hour free, then you can watch the presentation.  It’s been filmed…

Who said Fintech is dead? Q1 sees $5.7bn invested

I was just sent a press pre-release copy of The Pulse of Fintech, the quarterly global report on Fintech VC trends published jointly by KPMG International and CB Insights.  The findings are quite interesting this quarter and show that, after a significant pullback in funding in Q4 2015, mega funding rounds have lifted quarterly investment…

The impossible dream: a digital identity for everyone

We heard the stories that set the context of the debate about identities and one specific comment stood out for me: Human traffickers first action is to destroy their victims identification papers = let’s get rid of paper identities #ID2020 @UN — Chris Skinner (@Chris_Skinner) 20 May 2016 Human traffickers’ first action is to get…

The inhumanity of humans and the importance of identity

We had an all-day meeting on Friday about Digital Identity at the United Nations. There are almost two billion people born with no identity.  There is no record of their birth.  There is no proof of their existence.  As a result, these people can disappear without a trace. There is no evidence of their disappearance…

The Finanser’s Week: 16th May – 22nd May 2016

Our main stories of this week includes … Social KYC: far easier than passports and utility bills I just received a white paper about Social KYC from Fintech startup Veridu.  The idea is to use our social media profiles to authenticate and onboard as a new 21st century KYC process.  It’s an interesting idea I thought…

Social KYC: far easier than passports and utility bills

I just received a white paper about Social KYC from Fintech startup Veridu.  The idea is to use our social media profiles to authenticate and onboard as a new 21st century KYC process.  It’s an interesting idea I thought I’d share here but, before I do, I posted a note on the blog in 2009 that…

Fintech vs Banks is like the Mouse vs the Elephant

I’m often asked whether banks should be afraid of the threat of Fintech.  My answer is that most Fintech is enhancing what banks do, rather than threatening their core business.  I sum this up as wrappers, replacers and reformers, and that the only Fintech firms we should really fear are those that replace core bank…

Robots against Humans is like Spock against Kirk

I was talking to a City chap this week about the Brexit vote and he felt it was clear we would leave.  I said I couldn’t see that because there was not a single logical economic reason for leaving.  He said that I was stupid to think of this as logical.  It’s emotional.  The Leave…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser