Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

America’s regulatory issue is too many cooks

I’ve had a few meetings with folks at the White House over the past eighteen months, which has been an honour and not something I felt I should blog about.  The National Economic Council woke up to the FinTech world early last year and have been consulting with many in the FinTech ecosystem.  The latest…

America’s regulations are not the problem

I received a very thoughtful response to last week’s blog (about Dodd-Frank being the issue with the USA seeing zero neobanks starting up) from two Nahum Goldmann and David Gerbino.   Nahum and I have corresponded for some time about banking matters and his email sparked various views in my mind.  Here’s his view: Chris thanks, an excellent…

The Finanser’s Week: 6th June – 12th June 2016

Our main stories of this week includes … Digital is all about the people I got caught up in a conversation about building a new digital bank the other day, and being asked how I would organise the project.  I’m a simple guy and go back to basics, and the basics are people, process and product. People…

Digital is all about the people

I got caught up in a conversation about building a new digital bank the other day, and being asked how I would organise the project.  I’m a simple guy and go back to basics, and the basics are people, process and product. People – customers and employees – are where it all starts.  Happy staff…

The financial customer of 2025 (according to #firstdirect)

I get all sorts of crappy press releases from public relations managers who are eager to see me prostitute my blog for them. Rarely would I post their stuff here unless it was seriously interesting or I feel very lazy or both. You can decide which category this fits into: first direct identifies the factors…

America’s banking regulations strangle innovations

Whilst almost 500 banks failed in the USA between 2008 and 2012, only three new banks opened. Only three new banks have opened in the United States since 2010.  Before the financial crisis, over 100 banks set up shop each year, on average, according to data from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the agency that approves…

Who wants to bank with Goldman Sachs? I do/don’t

Not sure how many of you spotted the announcement last month that Goldman Sachs is launching a retail bank, but it’s been interesting to monitor such developments. First there was a raft of press reviews of the announcement: Goldman Sachs gets into retail banking Goldman Sachs Enters Retail Banking Market with GS Bank Here’s How Goldman Sachs Plans to Go After the…

Keep Calm and Innovate

Friday’s blog was all about bank innovation labs and structures. A serious and committed undertaking this time around, with many experimentations and proofs of concept taking place, especially around blockchain. Great. The thing is that as I walk into these hallowed places of bank sponsored creation, it feels like a very formal version of a FinTech…

The Finanser’s Week: 30th May – 5th June 2016

Our main stories of this week includes … Regulations, Innovations, Sandboxes and #RegTech So I just attended a really interesting two day meeting that covered all things blockchain, regulations, innovation and more. I’ll blog about the bits I can in the next few days, and thought I’d start with an overview of the Financial Conduct Authority’s…

Banks know it is better to be the second mouse

During one part of my recent conference activity, I asked the banks in the audience how they organised their innovation strategies.  All of them have one, is the good news.  All of them have different nuances of how they structure for innovation however.  The most common structure appears to be to have innovation under the…

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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