Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Things worth reading: 14th November 2018

Things we’re reading today include … IMF says governments could set up their own cryptocurrencies Australian court rejects regulator’s record fine against Westpac Top law firm linked to subject of UK’s first unexplained wealth order The scandal of Goldman’s secret agent Goldman Sachs bankers ‘cheated’ Malaysia over 1MDB: PM Mahathir Global share markets tumble amid…

Things worth reading: 13th November 2018

Things we’re reading today include … CYBG cancels digital bank deal with ex-Barclays chief Five ways banks are responding to the fintech threat Mark Carney ‘has damaged credibility of Bank of England’ Central bank independence – Is that even a thing? Rabobank explores sale of U.S. retail, wealth operations: sources HSBC plots return to Brazil…

The Finanser’s Week: 5th November – 11th November

The main blog headlines are … Teach children the things that machines cannot learn I often talk about teaching children to learn what machines cannot learn. Our system of education was created in the Industrial Revolution, and is based upon kids being stuffed with facts, stats and dates. They learn to parrot-fashion repeat things, and…

Things worth reading: 8th November 2018

Things we’re reading today include … Bank by bank, here’s where the hiring and firing will happen next Would you bank with Google, Amazon, Facebook or Apple? TransferWise partners with Dutch challenger bank Bunq Hidden camera reveals how bank employees mislead and upsell on pricey credit card insurance Westpac bets the bank on cloud computing…

Things worth reading: 6th November 2018

Things we’re reading today include … The problem with this bank inquiry Bank of England risks fuelling slowdown with its confusingly hawkish message Lloyds Banking Group to add 2,000 jobs in digital shake-up City of London concerns grow about bad Brexit deal Hedge funds overly optimistic on risk, SocGen finds Goldman Sachs to provide strategic…

Things worth reading: 5th November 2018

Things we’re reading today include … Barclays and Lloyds among the worst performers in EU bank stress test Bank sales culture needs to change says review Bank of England bans Doctor Who from £50 note Goldman Sachs signs 100,000 customers to its new retail bank, Marcus, in just over a month 12 Global Banks, Hong…

The Finanser’s Week: 29th October – 4th November

The main blog headlines are … Clash of clans … or new bank versus old bank (Fidor, BPCE)  I was talking with some friends at the most innovative bank in Europe. A bank that has stopped getting on my radar for the past few years. I first blogged about them back in 2012, when I met…

Things worth reading: 31st October 2018

Things we’re reading today include … Monzo now worth more than £1 billion Michael Jordaan’s Bank Zero prepares to shake up the banking system In two sessions, $200 billion of FANG market cap up in smoke Reserve Bank warns of looming global threats to Australian economy BNP Paribas suffers fixed income woes Global insurance first-half…

Things worth reading: 30th October 2018

Things we’re reading today include: Deutsche Bank in need of ‘radical surgery’ as profits plunge China takes another big step to open its financial markets` HSBC profits soar as bank keeps a ‘strong grip’ on costs and flourishes in Asia Girl offers piggybank to masked gunmen to try and make them leave family alone, police…

The Finanser’s Week: 22nd October – 28th October 2018

The main blog headlines are … Technosocialism? As if … Someone told me I should start a travel blog, as I fly more than most pigeons do. True. But I’m not sure my travel blog would be read so much. However, it does make me reflect on travel and money. Some countries are still reliant…

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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