Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Things worth reading: 4th February 2010

Things we're reading today include … Today's must read: The Least-Trusted Banks in America – New York TimesCustomers of the biggest banks in the United States are the least likely to believe their financial institution does what’s best for them as opposed to what’s best for the bottom line, according to a new report from…

Things worth reading: 3rd February 2010

Things we're reading today include … Bonuses Banks told to comply on bonuses or lose UK banking licences in shock FSA ultimatum – The TelegraphMultimillion-pound payments at Credit Suisse will escape bonus tax – The Times Volcker US to measure banks' trading volumes – The TimesPaul Volcker defends curbs on proprietary trading amid Republican dissent…

Things worth reading: 2nd February 2010

Things we're reading today include … Today's must read: Reforming banks: a roundup of current proposals on how to make them smaller – The Telegraph How to reshape the world's banks will dominate this year. Here Banking editor Philip Aldrick looks at current proposals on taxing banks and splitting them up.    Companies Coutts remains…

Things worth reading: 1st February 2010

Things we're reading today include … Today's must read: A proposal for genuine Financial Reform by Marshall Auerback, a US Strategist for RAB Capital plc and a Fellow with the Economists for Peace and Security – the Big Picture The primary focus of bank reform should be on regulating the asset side of the balance…

The Finanser’s Week: 25th January – 31st January 2010

The biggest news stories of the week include … Davos 2010: More Bankers This Year at Davos, but Mood Remains Glum – New York TimesBankers fight back against Obama – The IndependentAlistair Darling dismisses Obama plan to break up banks as ineffective – The TelegraphFed chief Bernanke gets second term – BBC And our biggest…


Things worth reading: 29th January 2010

Things we're reading today include … Today's must read: Chinese Leader Offers a Glimpse of the Future  – New York Times China gave the world a glimpse of the next generation of Chinese leaders on Thursday when Li Keqiang, widely expected to be the next prime minister, vowed that his country would act swiftly to…


Things worth reading: 28th January 2010

Things we’re reading today include …   Davos Davos 2010: More Bankers This Year at Davos, but Mood Remains Glum – New York TimesDavos: Lord Turner calls for controls on bank lending – The TimesSarkozy calls for global revamp – BBCRegulation clash as Davos begins – BBCRegulation of banks a question of credibility – The…

Things worth reading: 27th January 2010

Things we're reading today include: Special Report: Global Financial Outlook: The London Banking Center Is Beginning to Feel Like Itself Again. – New York Times"As bankers and traders in London wait nervously for regulators to lay out a set of post-crisis rules for the industry, the real threat to their global pre-eminence is likely to…

Things worth reading: 26th January 2010

Things we're reading today include: Today's must read: Davos 2010: Bank chiefs break cover to bend government's ear – The TelegraphBattle lines have been drawn, with regulators, politicians and academics declaring big banks to be bad news. President Barack Obama knocked the wind out of the industry last week by calling for a ban on…

Things worth reading: 25th January 2010

Things we're reading today include …   Today's must read: Joseph Stiglitz: Why we have to change capitalism – The Telegraph "In the current crisis, bankers lost our trust, and lost trust in each other. Economic historians have emphasized the role that trust played in the development of trade and banking. The reason why certain…

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