Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


London versus Europe: the deep division over banking regulations and rules

It’s EU elections time, and so the mad moments begin. All of the eurocrats are keen to push through their final legislative agendas and so, just in the past week, we’ve seen the introduction of or revisions to everything from the Tobacco Products Directive to the Package Travel Directive to the  Collective Rights Management Directive. Of course…

Digital identities demand a digital infrastructure

Having talked about RBS yesterday, I’m just returning to my other theme of the week: rip out and replace. I guess it’s interesting that it is a complex situation as I was sitting yesterday talking about KYC, Know Your Client, once more and argued that for a digital age we need digital identities. This is…

Digital identities demand a digital infrastructure

Having talked about RBS yesterday, I’m just returning to my other theme of the week: rip out and replace. I guess it’s interesting that it is a complex situation as I was sitting yesterday talking about KYC, Know Your Client, once more and argued that for a digital age we need digital identities. This is…

It’s a wonderful digital life … if you’re a digital disruptor

I recently had an epiphany.  It was not painful, but it was enlightening. The realisation occurred to me as I looked at this chart from Zopa: It’s an interesting chart, especially the hockey stick rise in funds transferred as the financial crisis hit, and relates to a recent headline in the Financial Times: “P2P group…


It’s a wonderful digital life … if you’re a digital disruptor

I recently had an epiphany.  It was not painful, but it was enlightening. The realisation occurred to me as I looked at this chart from Zopa: It’s an interesting chart, especially the hockey stick rise in funds transferred as the financial crisis hit, and relates to a recent headline in the Financial Times: “P2P group…


Swiss banks, the Nazis and PEPs

OK, a last and final post about Swiss bankers and then I’ll shut up. For centuries, Switzerland has been the centre of banking in Europe.  As explained, this is due to the Knights Templar and Protestant Reformation at its heart, and is the reason that led to Voltaire (1694-1778) being quoted as saying: “If you…

Swiss banks, the Nazis and PEPs

OK, a last and final post about Swiss bankers and then I’ll shut up. For centuries, Switzerland has been the centre of banking in Europe.  As explained, this is due to the Knights Templar and Protestant Reformation at its heart, and is the reason that led to Voltaire (1694-1778) being quoted as saying: “If you…

Why Swiss banks are no longer so private

Further to the previous two entries about Swiss Banking (the settlements of the Knights Templar and the Protestant Reforms), we move into the 16th century with Switzerland proving an attractive ground for migration of the Protestants persecuted overseas. As mentioned, this period created the strong movement towards neutrality from any wars or hostilities overseas –…

Why Swiss banks are no longer so private

Further to the previous two entries about Swiss Banking (the settlements of the Knights Templar and the Protestant Reforms), we move into the 16th century with Switzerland proving an attractive ground for migration of the Protestants persecuted overseas. As mentioned, this period created the strong movement towards neutrality from any wars or hostilities overseas –…

A final note on KYC: it’s getting serious

OK, I’m going to cheat now and finish all the KYC chat by reproducing a couple of articles that spring boarded from the event. First, Elliott Holley recorded the BAFT-IFSA session for Banking Technology.  Here’s what he wrote: “Unbanked banks” suffer from tougher KYC rules Senior transaction banking executives have called for a political discussion…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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