How important is real-time?
This is a question that comes up more and more, and there’s an easy answer: it’s very important; and a harder answer: it’s not always important; and this is a key discussion in the context of immediate payments, something that is getting talked about more and more. In fact, my friends over at Glenbrook covered…

How do you secure yourself in an insecure world?
Just gave a presentation at the EFMA Conference this week on online insecurity, exacerbated by mobile hacktivists. I'm quite pleased with it, as it's newly refreshed material, so here it is. Efma, no one is safe, 290513 from Chris Skinner There is a sound file recording which gives you the presentation speech to go with the…
I know, let’s differentiate the bank by launching an app!
It’s Friday, so we should have some fun. Unfortunately, it’s both a bit of fun and a bit of a challenge. The challenge is how to differentiate the bank? That’s always been a challenge. Most banks reckon that they don’t need to differentiate the bank because once you’ve got a customer, you’ve got them for…

Banks designed for humans by geeks
I was going to move away from further debate about branch and omnichannel today, as there’s far more interesting stuff about Google giving payments away for free with Gmail and PayPal doing the same with mobile, but that will have to wait until next week as yesterday’s post created quite a stir. I guess it was the…

Banks designed for humans by geeks
I was going to move away from further debate about branch and omnichannel today, as there’s far more interesting stuff about Google giving payments away for free with Gmail and PayPal doing the same with mobile, but that will have to wait until next week as yesterday’s post created quite a stir. I guess it was the…

From Bloomberg to Snoopberg
The shock news of the day, or not, is that Bloomberg’s reporters have been spying on their customers. Or that’s the suspicion anyway, and was kicked off by Goldman Sachs complaint that a reporter from Bloomberg had telephoned to find out why an employee of the bank had not logged on to their Bloomberg terminal…

Predictive, proactive, proximity based payments
After my discussion about the augmented economy which focused upon customer service, I thought about it from the other side: transactiosns. Many years ago, my technology firm made a play for banks to deploy data warehouses to perform predictive analytics based upon consumer propensity models of their data-based behaviours. It may sound a little complex,…
The augmented economy
In the middle of my showreel, I talk about augmented lifestyles. I’ve talked about this for many years, but now it is becoming an augmented reality, especially with the launch of Google Glass. Google’s glasses (I want!) allow you to see enhanced information about all tjhat is around you in real-time … Robert Scoble, the…

The augmented economy
In the middle of my showreel, I talk about augmented lifestyles. I’ve talked about this for many years, but now it is becoming an augmented reality, especially with the launch of Google Glass. Google’s glasses (I want!) allow you to see enhanced information about all tjhat is around you in real-time … Robert Scoble, the…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us
What is the future?

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Kids creating the future bank | TEDxAthens
Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser